5 Color Case Alternatives to Waiting for a White iPhone 4

Today, Apple announced further delays to the white iPhone 4 release, dashing the dreams of would-be white iPhone 4 owners everywhere. Never fear, thanks to the power of silicon and plastic, you can add some color to your black iPhone and get some antennagate protection at the same time.
While some industrious modders have taken the DIY approach, we figure most individuals will feel much more comfortable putting a case on their new devices. While none of these solutions offer a full 100% white iPhone 4 effect, you can get pretty close.

Check out the gallery below to preview our picks of slim-fitting iPhone 4 color cases.

SwitchEasy has a solution for the iPhone 4 owner who wants to add some color to their protective options. You have your choice of 9 different colors and the case covers the back, the sides and the home button of the iPhone 4. You even get a set of connector covers for the headphone jack and the dock connector.
The home button has been given a special “Jelly Bean” tactile feel that is supposed to make it more responsive than other covered case solutions.
Price: $14.99

For iPhone 4 owners that want a case that is as thin as possible, but still want some protection and a little bit of colored fair, check out the NUDE from SwitchEasy. Available in eight different colors, the case covers the sides and the back of the device.
Plus SwitchEasy provides two screen guards, a microfiber cloth and two sets of covers for the headphone jack and dock connector. I recently ordered a black NUDE case for my iPhone 4 and I love it.
Price: $19.99
The Belkin Grip Vue is a slim cover for your iPhone 4 that also offers protection. You can get it in clear, black pearl or royal purple. The material is flexible and durable and designed, as the name implies, to help you easily grip your device.
Price: $24.00
The Belkin Shield Eclipse is an interesting case because it’s clear and hard on the top, but softer to the touch and durable at the bottom. That makes it easy to hold but also resistant to bumps and scratches.
Belkin offers the case in four colors, including blue, purple, black and white.
Price: $29.99
The Hard Candy Candy Slider is designed to offer protection for the sides and back of your device that is easy to slide on and slide off.
Available in five different colors, the soft-touch plastic adds a bit of color and some protection to your iPhone 4.
Price: $34.95

BB getting back on track with business

Android Wear is just as valuable as the applications that help it, and its going to have another prominent expansion as BBM

Android and iOS started the grill

You’ll require Windows Telephone 8 or Windows Telephone 8.1 to begin thumbing out messages. Characteristics natural to the BBM set are there, however the organization is truly concentrating on three key ones to begin – Contacts, Talks and Bolsters. 

The application expects to fit in with the Windows Telephone look, importance it imitates Microsoft’s Metro theme. Clients can likewise stick Gatherings and 1:1 visits on the Begin screen for simple access. 

This is just BBM variant one, and Blackberry says its working diligently on form two, when it will bring more gimmicks to the fore. The application is free and accessible now (once more, as a beta) in the Windows Telephone Store. 

Unique article beneath… 

Android and ios won’t be separated from everyone else at the Blackberry Flag-bearer party any longer come July, when BBM will dispatch for Windows Telephone gadgets. 

After Blackberry propelled BBM for ios and Android in 2013 it was just a matter of time before the informing administration touched base on WP too, and the organization affirmed in February that it would arrive in the not so distant future. 

Presently Blackberry Chief John Chen has educated people in general that BBM for Windows Telephone will truth be told land in July. 

Four’s a swarm 

Chen dropped the news on a profit call Thursday morning, Crackberry reports. 

Windows Telephone will be the fourth stage to have BBM, after Blackberry 10, ios and Android. 

The latest progression on the ios and Android side was the expansion of free calling among BBM clients. Then again, its misty right now what peculiarities will be accessible in the WP form when it lands one month from now. 

We’ve approached Blackberry for some more insights about BBM for Windows Telephone, and we’ll redesign here on the off chance that we get any.

The new Android Wear gimmicks incorporate the capacity to peruse messages from your wrist and see who they’re from, flip in the middle of messages and acknowledge welcomes from other BBM clients. You can likewise pick from a rundown of predefined messages to send a reaction from your wrist or utilize your voice to manage a custom reaction. 

So you can keep your telephone in your pocket and read or even react to messages when your hands are full. It’s not been affirmed precisely when BBM for Android Wear will be arriving, however in an authority blog entry Blackberry claims its advancing soon. 

Goodness and in case you’re a BBM client however not sold on Android Wear then don’t stress, in light of the fact that clearly this is simply the organization’s initial phase in supporting cross-stage wearable innovation. BBM on the Apple Watch anybody? 

Blackberry could be the business lord again in five simple steps.

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HTC’s smartwatch HTC apparently still wants in on the wearable market

Reports of the demise of HTC‘s smartwatch may have been enormously overstated. As per a source close HTC who reached Cnet, the Taiwanese organization is as yet chipping away at its own smartwatch and is wanting to dispatch it in right on time 2015. 

Whilst it came as meager shock that Apple would enter the wearable business sector with the dispatch of the Apple Watch, HTC is an organization whose passage into wearables is somewhat more hard to anticipate. 

Toward the start of September we heard that HTC may have surrendered its smartwatch plans. The reasons given included increasing expenses and an undeniably focused business sector, which HTC felt it couldn’t contend in. 

Watch out, Apple’s about 

At the time that news of HTC dropping its plans for its smartwatch surfaced HTC declined to remark, and its keeping likewise tight lipped about this most recent turn. 

The timing of HTC’s choice to proceed in a business sector it once considered excessively aggressive is absolutely intriguing, since the business has as of late seen another contender, in the state of Apple, develop. 

Similarly as with smartwatches, for example, the LG G Watch R and the Moto 360, HTC’s smartwatch is required to run on Google’s Android Wear.

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This is Kodak’s IM5 Android Smartphone

Kodak uncovered its first Android cell phone at CES 2015, as publicized, however the final result is barely show taking. 

Named the Im5,the 5-inch telephone was manufactured by Bullitt, the organization behind the rough Caterpillar line. It runs Android Kitkat, however Candy is headed, and its different specs are pretty average. There’s an octa-center 1.7 processor thus so stockpiling, however it is expandable up to 32gb because of microsd. 

Indeed the cam, which you may hope to be the telephone’s best gimmick, is a not-unfathomable 13mp. The front is additionally normal with 5mp. 

The Im5 does incorporate some cam prepared programming, for example, a picture administration programming that lets clients alter, show, impart and print their photographs, devices open through a solitary catch click. 

The uplifting news with the Im5 is that there is a whole other world to come, so maybe this is a venturing stone for more imperative Kodak portable items not far off. It’s additionally genuinely moderate at $249 (about £164, Au$308). Search for it universally with introductory accessibility in Europe toward the end of the first quarter

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Samsung Galaxy S6 emerge Will Take the Screen Innovation of Galaxy Note Edge

Will Samsung go for the full metal jacket?

Samsung System S6, Samsung’s gathered next leader cell phone, is reputed to take the screen advancement of the recently discharged Universe Note Edge. The South Korean combination is required to present its 2015 lead cell phone in the following quarter, and has now filled the tech rumorland with breaks about the successor of Universe S5.
Samsung has been utilizing the Portable World Congress occasion to present its new leads. The 2015 MWC is situated in Walk in Barcelona, Spain. It is important that the up and coming era of the System S arrangement is supposed to come in two variations – Samsung Universe S6 and S6 Edge. 

After some difficult times since the dispatch of Universe S5, which is seen as having just few overhauls over its precursors, numerous alarm the World phablet creator will go the method for Nokia and Blackberry. On the other hand, the organization is said to have the following cell phone underway, with the inward code “Extend Zero,” which suggests it begins “sans preparation” for its outline. 
Be that as it may, the break which the dependable Sammobile has accumulated, says Samsung World S6 will have the offer of Universe S3 and S4, with the Samsung Cosmic system S6 Edge model taking the inventive screen of the Note Edge, where there is an alternate screen on the privilege edge of the gadget, autonomous from the principle screen. 

It has alternate route controls and additionally application gadgets, for example, showing the climate and new messages constantly, while the fundamental screen is running diversions or playing features.
Much the same as Samsung System Note 4 and Note Edge which have comparative equipment under their hoods, S6 and S6 Edge will dispatch together, however will showcase the configuration aptitudes of the South Korean titan. Tech intellectuals expect the Cosmic system S arrangement to peculiarity quad HD screens of 2560 x 1440 determination and bended for the Edge model, Snapdragon 810 by Qualcomm or the Samsung 64-bit Exynos 7420 for its processor. In all likelihood, they will accompany a 16 or 20-MP fundamental cam, 5mp optional cam, 32/64/128gb inward stockpiling, in addition to the new sensor of Broadcom – Bcm4773. The S6 frame is said to exchange to unibody aluminum. 
Samsung and Apple are both pioneers in the cell phone diversion while Apple appreciates an extraordinary 2014 with its arrival of iphone 6 and iphone 6 Or more in September. Directly after the two gadgets appeared, interest is consistently high and the Cupertino-based iphone producer has been increase creation. Besides, Apple’s new handsets are among the pioneers amid the late The shopping extravaganza following Thanksgiving and The Monday following Thanksgiving prechristmas occasion deal. 

Then, Samsung is in rudder in the phablet division since it presented the first Cosmic system Note in 2011. The Asian cell phone creator keeps up its lead by discharging the Note 4 in October and its first gadget to have the new condition of-the-workmanship bended showcase, World Note Edge, in November. As Samsung Universe S6 is the one in the pipeline now, it is likely the best possibility to bear on the bended edged show and turn into a decent contender for iphone 6. When its all said and done, Venture Zero where the two telephones will rise up out of, is expected to bring the great times of Samsung, for example, those brought by System S3 and S4. 

Since the bended edge showcase is still a newborn child innovation, it is anticipated S6 Edge will be in select markets just, and will be lesser in number than S6. On the off chance that the bits of gossip materialize, and Samsung World S6 will take the screen advancement of the Universe Note Edge, it will demonstrate Samsung’s not kidding responsibility in taking a stab at something radical to stay aggressive. The interior code “Extend Zero” is anticipated to deliver the greatest advancement in this way, of the entire Galaxy line.

New bits of knowledge about the Samsung Grandiose framework S6 have climbed that imply different interesting tricks for the best in class pioneer handset

According to Androidpit, the Samsung Universe S6 will go with a Micro-SD space, finger impression scanner, UV sensor, fast charging handiness and unidirectional mouthpieces. 

Holders of the Samsung Universe S6 will similarly have the ability to use the new Subject Store to buy and change their own particular subjects for their handset, giving each mobile phone a more redid feel. 

Improved UI 

Samsung’s custom Android customer interface, Touchwiz, is also said to be getting different changes to make using it speedier and more responsive. 

As we said already, Samsung hasn’t settled on a last anticipate the Framework S6, with Androidpit reporting that the Korean association is weighing up whether to run with a premium metal unibody (however without a removable battery), or a to a degree metal arrangement with a plastic over, in the same way as the Universe Note 4.

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27% Of Photos And Videos Now Captured On Smartphones

More than a quarter of photos and peculiarities shot by individuals in the U.s. are in no time being gotten by phones, as shown by an online survey of 3,300 Web customers ages 13 and up. Bargains data propose mobile phones are exchanging customers’ necessity for low-end easy to utilize cams and camcorders
The rate of photos brought with a wireless went from 17% to 27%, a 44% augmentation from the year past, as showed by an audit administered by NPD Bunch. Meanwhile, offers of easy to utilize cams dropped 17% as a part of volume and 18% in pay in the starting 11 months of 2011. Solitary offers of pocket camcorders dropped 13%, with a 10% decrease in salary. 

Higher-end things performed better: Offers of cams with distinct lenses (typical expense: $863) extended by 12%, and offers of easy to utilize cams with optical zooms of 10x or more unmistakable (ordinary expense: $247) created by 16%. 

Liz Cutting, authority official and senior imaging master at NPD, perceived that cells are taking the spot of easy to utilize cams and camcorders as a part of various events — particularly “spontaneous minutes” — however for basic events, single-reason cams and camcorders remain the device of choice. 

We asked regarding whether they were seeing a practically identical in extension in compact exchanges. The association said development to its adaptable site duplicated for this present year, and exchanges from convenient sources has extended eightfold in the latest two years. 

10 Best Mobile Phones In The World Today

Purchasing GUIDE The best cell phones 2014: what telephone is best for you?

We’ve all got no less than one cellular telephone each one, privilege? We’ve likely got around three or four these days, and that tallies giving your old Nokia 3310 to your Mum a couple of years prior. 

At the same time now the world has changed, and from Apple to Samsung to HTC to a group of best in class names, picking your next most noteworthy cell phone is a dubious undertaking. 

This is the place we make it simple: we altogether test many top cell phones and have discovered the ten best you can use your cash on. It needs to be great, when its all said and done, provided for it will live in your pocket for the following two years. 

Our positioning of the best cellular telephones accessible in the UK today praises the brightness of the cell phone, the usefulness they bring to our lives, and also taking a gander at the expense – importance a low-value handset doesn’t generally need to have high-spec capacities to be in our main 10. 

We just peculiarity the most recent handsets accessible as well (unless a more seasoned model has gotten to be hyper-modest and still offers tolerable usefulness) as the fresher models will stay adjusted with programming overhauls for more, protecting you from having a broken telephone with no trust of redesigns in a year’s chance. 

We’re profound into 2014 now, and with the iphone 6 and Apple iphone 6 Or more here to test the heads of state in the cell phone world – specifically the Sony Xperia Z3 the LG G3 and the HTC One M8 – we’ve got a genuine regal thunder at the top, taking a gander at the best available and including such obscure jewels as the Oneplus One. 

On the off chance that that still doesn’t help, well, there’s forever our broad cellular telephone surveys pages too – or look at our by and by made cell phone purchaser’s aide: 

When you’ve chosen which new telephone to purchase (and looked at the best cell telephone bargain), why not trade in for money your old one with our telephone reusing value correlation administration? 

Here are our rankings for the best cell telephones around, presently accessible in the UK. 

Oneplus One 

10. Oneplus One 

You’ve presumably never known about Oneplus… at the same time in the event that you have, you’ll know why this obscure brand is all of a sudden sitting in our rundown of best cell phones on the planet. 

The reason is basic: its a telephone that has all the force, specs and usefulness of the big cheeses, includes super-customisable programming and does it at almost a large portion of the cost. We’re talking splashy reserve funds on expense (£229 for the 16gb variant and £269 for the 64gb variation) without much in the method for bargain. 

Indeed, the main things its truly absent are a microsd opening and removable battery, and those are components more for the perfectionists than completely essential. 

In case we’re generally super fastidious, its not got the best cam set up and the outline is a bit… productive, however at this value point it truly doesn’t make a difference. What’s more given the intended interest group is those that think about crude control over style, it bodes well that this is the place the expenses could be spared. 

Snappy decision 

We adore the way that another contender can keep up such a high place in the positioning of the best telephones on the planet – it implies that its not simply an instance of ‘enormous plan means best telephone’. 

We were debating whether the Oneplus One could even have gone higher, yet there’s one major issue that you’ll have on the off chance that you need to get your involved one: they’re difficult to discover. Numbers won’t increase for some time, and likely never to the level of accessibility of the better-known names. 

However in the event that you need a telephone that offers incomparable force at a truly minimal effort: the Oneplus One is it. It’s what the Nexus extent used to be, and if Google discard that program, then fortunately Oneplus has indicated there will be brands to get up the slack.
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Top 8 iOS 8 Features That You Should Know

Apple is going to release new iOS 8 soon which is going to be apple’s biggest update in recent years. There are plenty of cool iOS 8 features coming this september for iPhone and iPad users going to love. So we are going to tell eight key iOS 8 features.

Here are the 8 key Apple iOS 8 features:


Apple has been pushing health connected apps in future, that square measure one the related to Nike’s Fuel Band company. With the Health app, apple taking it a step any for its future. As we have a tendency to all know, Health take US along from completely different health apps associated with apples apps into one place, making a comprehensive profile for the user. It additionally lets the users send health info to doctors at elect hospitals.

Home Kit:

The best from apple in iOS 8 features is its home kit that is in a position to remotely management your home device that square measure connect together with your mobile with Bluetooth or wireless local area network. Home Kit may be a step toward changing your apple smartphone into a foreign management device to control connected devices in your home.

New tricks for Siri:

The iPhone’s known voice assistant, Siri learn many new things in IOS eight. currently it will work additional higher together with your voice and action.
And you’ll modification your song with the assistance of the newest technology of Shazam app I apple iphones.

 ‘Do Not Disturb’ in Messages:

This is an easy very little feature, it’s alittle modification in it however take additional eyes thereon the
‘Do Not Disturb’ in Messages that assist you in cash place. In Messages, “Do Not Disturb” you\’ll mute your conversion threads at the time on=f meeting. So, if your buddies square measure nailing down that disturb you whereas you’re at work, you\’ll build them hush.


Google is best with prognosticative text in there smartphones however Apple giving it a lift with QuickType. The keyboard feature in IOS eight can build causation messages quickly by estimate that what you’re reaching to write before you end it, lease you faucet and locomote to following word. This feature in your Phones is already featured. however Apple secure that QuickType is that the new feature which can learn your language and writing habits, as well as however you text with several completely different message threads.

Interactive Notifications:

With this one, Apple catches a brand new notification feature that is already employed by humanoid house owners. Interactive Notifications is assist you to manage your notification from notification center to direct the app.

 Family Sharing:

A new feature for iTunes gamma hydroxybutyrate vi mambers will share there apps and songs purchases across completely different devices of apple. suggests that no got to grap one things 2 time in an exceedingly same home.
The catch is you’ll ought to use a similar mastercard for all those purchases. It’s Apple’s approach of preventing too liberal interpretations of the word “family.”
This iOS 8 feature additionally can let relatives additional simply share calendars, photos, reminders and also the like.

 iCloud ikon Library:

Apple can currently provide additional storage for all of your photos and videos within the cloud with access to them from any device.
The iCloud ikon Library additionally can embody a “smart” writing feature that lets users slide their finger to regulate multiple effects at a similar time. as an example, the app can permit you to tweak light-weight, distinction and color on photos, with each adjustment mechanically updated across all of your devices.
We love to know what our readers think about these iOS 8 features, so do comments and share your views.
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The Material of Cell Phone Cover

Cell phone covers are made of lots of different materials such as leather, hydrocarbon polymer, synthetic leather, plastic, fiber, rubber and lots of more. Some are better protectors while others are more helpful to over the transportable phone with ease. You can pick from a wide range, from simple to stylish and fancy cases. Here is a short description of different materials of cell phone cases.

One of the wide ranges of cell phone accessories is cell phone cover. It is very useful tool to protect the phone from various harmful effects i.e. scratches, dirt and abrasion. Moreover, it helps to over the cell conveniently. However, make positive while purchasing a cover for your cell that it is compatible with the model, you own.

There’s lots of types of leather cases. From very simple leather pouches to stylish high quality leather covers. They are made of actual leather which is strong and long lasting. Leather is stunning and gives en eye-catching look to the cell phone. Leather cases are the best shells for HTC, iPhone and Blackberry type touch screen rings to keep them free of scratches and bumps. Leather is an environmental friendly material, and has no adverse effects.

best mobile phone

Silicon is another material often used in manufacturing cell phone’s skin. It’s characteristics of high pressure-resistant and non-toxic. Silicon covers protect the mobile from damp, scrapes and scratches. Silicon Crystal cover gives fine finish look to the cell phone and longevity.

Hydrocarbon Polymer material is also used to make phone covers. These phone covers are more popular in ladies. They add the beauty to the cell phone and save it from various harmful influences.

Plastic made cases are obtainable in various patterns, colors and stunning graphic designs. These cases attract the viewers and impress them. You can select a plastic case of your choice from a wide range. Plastic cases give environmental protection against bumps, scrapes and dirt. They are long lasting and light weight, and cheap to buy.

Cork cases for mobile are also found. Cork material looks like leather in appearance. They are very long lasting and give final protection to the phone.

Iron or metal cases are also used; they are hard to protect your cellular cell phone. However they are not as stunning as that of leather and plastic cases.

PC material and nylon cases, crystal and translucent well completed, obtainable in various colors. They protect cell phone from scratch, destroy and erosion.

Besides the above mentioned materials, phone covers are made from carbon fiber, rubber, fiberglass and lots of more. Different mobile covers have their own specific features, but mostly they are made to protect the cell phone from dirt, dust, abrasion, bumps and damp.

best mobile phone

Top #Best Mobile Phones Under 15 Pounds

The BlackBerry has always been a priced smartphone which features much the same as most other rings in its range. This model has historicallyin the past been aimed at either the businessman because of its electronic mail and Microsoft Office compatibility, or teenagers, due to its multimedia suite and BlackBerry Messenger. That said, it doesn’t mean that the BlackBerry Curve is not suitable for somebody who wishes a respectable smartphone which can cater to their needs, whether it be to call, text or keep abreast with all the latest social media posts.
best mobile phone

BlackBerry Curve 9300

You can get a BlackBerry 9300 on an o2 contract for as small as £10.50 a month, with 50 minutes, limitless text messages and 100 MB of information. In the event you are a talker and feel 50 minutes is not to get you through the month, 02 are also offering a tariff which includes 200 minutes, limitless texts as well as a whopping 500 MB of information for 50p over your £15 budget each month.

What attracts plenty of to BlackBerry is not only its low cost, but also its QWERTY keyboard, which makes it brilliantly simple for users to send messages and emails. Also, with smartphone trends getting bigger than ever, it is nice to own a tool which you can basically slip in to your pocket without needing to buy a new bag to move it in.
best mobile phone

The HTC Desire C is an excellent smartphone which welcomes you in to the world of Android. Jam filled with some of the greatest functions and applications that feature in much more pricey models such as the HTC X, the Desire C offers all you could ever require in a smartphone.

HTC Desire C

The Desire range is also attractive; slim line and sleek-looking, you don’t must compromise on style because you are on a tight budget. The HTC Desire could be yours for £10.50 a month on an o2 contract, including 50 minutes, limitless texts and 100 MB of information. In the event you require more minutes on a mobile phone contract, how about 100 minutes, limitless texts and 100 MB of information on a Vodafone contract for £13 per month. Better still, like the BlackBerry Curve above, for 50p additional a month, you could get the HTC Desire C with 200 minutes, limitless texts and 500 MB of information, which would keep you emailing, Facebook-ing and Tweeting until the cows come home each month!

With a five MP camera and version four.0 of Android know-how installed on the tool, you can take some spectacular photographs, as well as switch from application to application at the speed of light, without having to wait for the phone to meet up with you.

 because you are on a budget, doesn’t mean you cannot get a piece of the Windows Phone action! Admittedly, it is not loaded with the most recent Windows Phone 8 OS, but its slightly older version, 7.5, is not very ancient know-how. What is great about the Lumia is that it is bang on trend right now. The Windows Phone OS is quirky and fun, and consists of live tiles which update in actual time. So in the event you require to check if it is raining outside, don’t look out of the window, basically reach for your Lumia 610.

Nokia Lumia 610

The Lumia 610 is ideal for all of your smartphone needs; whether you require to add notes to a Microsoft Word document, or write a quick electronic mail to your friends, or even navigate your way to your nearest shopping centre, the Nokia Lumia can do it all.

best mobile phone