Top 8 iOS 8 Features That You Should Know

Apple is going to release new iOS 8 soon which is going to be apple’s biggest update in recent years. There are plenty of cool iOS 8 features coming this september for iPhone and iPad users going to love. So we are going to tell eight key iOS 8 features.

Here are the 8 key Apple iOS 8 features:


Apple has been pushing health connected apps in future, that square measure one the related to Nike’s Fuel Band company. With the Health app, apple taking it a step any for its future. As we have a tendency to all know, Health take US along from completely different health apps associated with apples apps into one place, making a comprehensive profile for the user. It additionally lets the users send health info to doctors at elect hospitals.

Home Kit:

The best from apple in iOS 8 features is its home kit that is in a position to remotely management your home device that square measure connect together with your mobile with Bluetooth or wireless local area network. Home Kit may be a step toward changing your apple smartphone into a foreign management device to control connected devices in your home.

New tricks for Siri:

The iPhone’s known voice assistant, Siri learn many new things in IOS eight. currently it will work additional higher together with your voice and action.
And you’ll modification your song with the assistance of the newest technology of Shazam app I apple iphones.

 ‘Do Not Disturb’ in Messages:

This is an easy very little feature, it’s alittle modification in it however take additional eyes thereon the
‘Do Not Disturb’ in Messages that assist you in cash place. In Messages, “Do Not Disturb” you\’ll mute your conversion threads at the time on=f meeting. So, if your buddies square measure nailing down that disturb you whereas you’re at work, you\’ll build them hush.


Google is best with prognosticative text in there smartphones however Apple giving it a lift with QuickType. The keyboard feature in IOS eight can build causation messages quickly by estimate that what you’re reaching to write before you end it, lease you faucet and locomote to following word. This feature in your Phones is already featured. however Apple secure that QuickType is that the new feature which can learn your language and writing habits, as well as however you text with several completely different message threads.

Interactive Notifications:

With this one, Apple catches a brand new notification feature that is already employed by humanoid house owners. Interactive Notifications is assist you to manage your notification from notification center to direct the app.

 Family Sharing:

A new feature for iTunes gamma hydroxybutyrate vi mambers will share there apps and songs purchases across completely different devices of apple. suggests that no got to grap one things 2 time in an exceedingly same home.
The catch is you’ll ought to use a similar mastercard for all those purchases. It’s Apple’s approach of preventing too liberal interpretations of the word “family.”
This iOS 8 feature additionally can let relatives additional simply share calendars, photos, reminders and also the like.

 iCloud ikon Library:

Apple can currently provide additional storage for all of your photos and videos within the cloud with access to them from any device.
The iCloud ikon Library additionally can embody a “smart” writing feature that lets users slide their finger to regulate multiple effects at a similar time. as an example, the app can permit you to tweak light-weight, distinction and color on photos, with each adjustment mechanically updated across all of your devices.
We love to know what our readers think about these iOS 8 features, so do comments and share your views.
Best Mobile Phone newest technologies about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology,

Best iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+ Apps To Download

Apple has starting late impelled iphone 6 and iphone 6 or more. Here we have some best iphone 6 and iphone 6+ applications to download in case you starting now obtained your iphone. 

Itunes U: 

School would conceivably be close for summers at any rate it doesn’t mean you left study. Apple is that the best for change things. The spread adjustment of uses for iphone and ipad for scholastics. 

itunes u

Substance are regularly used from different applications or cam on the contraption. In any case its not just for scholastics any understudies will get the new options, much the same as the ability to place their request or room talk. 

2. Fates Forever

This is a free new action entertainment that you’ll have the ability to play nearby your associates from wherever at whatever time. There square measure eight paragons of piety from that whom you bring part fight with different players. 

Fates Forever

There square measure structures to pummel, sacred spots to induce and a huge amount of. It’s a liberal to play movement preoccupation, however there are not any timekeepers and no pace ups here. 

3. Sky Safari four: 

This is accomplice winning application that has all you wish to provoke begin and taking in the night sky. Its best information has a hundred and 20000 stars in abundance of two hundred star and universes; all genuine planets and moons; and numerous space shakes, comets, and satellites. Yes, you’ll have the ability to attempt and track the ISS with this application. 

Sky Safari four

It’s genuinely like having a little type of the whole universe in your pocket. This one is free for a restricted time, thusly trade in the blink of an eye, and use it to appear at the night sky later. 

4. The primary minute: 

Record life as you abide it with this journaling application. it\’s a clean, rich interface that makes journaling your life a straightforward happiness. you’ll have the ability to use multi-markdown content setup, sort totally screen mode, incorporate new framework passcode lock, and new photographic doorways. 

Day One

It’ll even mechanically incorporate data like picture EXIF learning, atmosphere information, range data, et cetera. Sections will set over your ios contraptions with Dropbox or icloud. These square measure simply a few the decisions. 

5. Daedalus bit: 

Here’s an interchange word processor for customers of ios. This one has no report plan skeleton.. There square measure essentially paper stacks related an endless measure of sheets. 

You investigate by movements. Most of your compositions overhaul to icloud over the greater part of your devices. It’ll even passage your substance in different setups. 

6. Recordium: 

Here’s accomplice application that’ll help you record sound through your ios device’s electro-acoustic transducer. Then again it will do over that. You’ll have the ability to join notes, marks, and footage to your recordings. 

you’ll have the ability to attempt and highlight territories of sound while you’re recording them that can be nice for recording your classes. 

7. Epic Ninja: 

Get readied for an oldie however a goodie with this retro plat molding delight that fuses a ninja. 

Regardless of the way that, would you say you are prepared to amazingly think of it as a ninja in case you’ll have the ability to see it? Trying to say…  There square measure ninety levels in three planets complete with epic administrator fights and unfaltering fun beat a frightfully retro vogue. 

8. Wrong means sport: 

What number of laps would you say you are prepared to go before you impact into insignificant metal irregularities and flares? This preoccupation incites you to endeavor and do one component, drive the erroneous means round the track. you\’re the dull automobile.simply stay far from the opposite cars while wear the mixed up means. The most recent move up to the present preoccupation incorporates a substitution track that finally permits you to come in abundance of five hundred laps that are a few things you\’ll have the ability to totally do, right? 

This are the Best iphone 6 and iphone 6+ Applications To Download in 2014 or future coz its apple and they think for future
keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the

high Tech RoadShow inventions of today.

Best Photo Editing Apps For Your Smartphone 2014 Making Tech-Life Easy!

If you have a photographer inside and want to show the world your photography skills than this best photo editing apps post is just for you. Nowadays all the smartphones have good cameras but the phones which are less in price have cameras which are quite less effective and the photos need some finishing touches.
This is true that phones like Nokia Lumia 1020, Sony Xperia Z2 or iPhone 5S have brilliant cameras but they still need a dashboard of cool photo editing apps 

where the finishing touches can be applied for betterment of the pictures taken by them and to make them look glorious. There are range of smartphones whoose camera quality vary from each other. But there are range of apps available which can make the pictures look better.

Best Photo Editing Apps Available For Your Smartphone

1. Snapseed:

Snapseed is a good photo editing apps which you need to use everyday for better photographs. This app automatically analyses your picture and make it perfect in terms of colors and exposure to look great. This is a great correction tool which works automatically. This app also adjusts white balance, saturation and contrast easily.
snapseed- Best Photo Editing Apps

You can crop the picture to the standard size or manually or adjust the image as per your preference with simple gestures. There are many other editing preferences you can use like- Black and white, drama, vintage films, grunge, tilt shift, details, frames, center focus and retrolux. This app is available for Andoid and iOS market.

2. Photoshop Touch For Phones:

You may be familiar with photoshop in the computers which is a vintage software for computers for editing photos. Now it is time to experience photoshop on the mobile phones with Photoshop Touch for mobile phones.
photoshop touch for phone- Best Photo Editing Apps

However you can not expect much as the computer version still it is good enough for mobile photo editing, here you can toggle with layers, photo filters, adjustments and few more cool features. Adobe photoshop allows to edit high resolution pictures on the go without any problem.This app is available both for andoid and iOS.

3. Pixlr Express:

Pixlr express another cool photo editing apps which allows you edit photos on the go. This photo editing app allows to crop, resize, rotate and also corrects your pictures via automatic image 
correction ability.

pixlr express-Best Photo Editing Apps

If you need a mobile app to edit photos on the mobile phone and also do not want to browse through tones of settings and want a simple interface that pixlr express is made for you. There are all the features of a good mobile picture editor like adding filters, stickers, modes, remove red eye, making your picture look like halftone, watercolor and pencil. There are many more cool options are available there in this app and you can download this app for android and iOS device.

4. VSCO Cam:

VSCO Cam is another best photo editing apps out there for android and iOS platform. You can browse through many photo filtering effects and advanced photo editing options and its photo editing interface include contrast, brightness, tint, crop,sharpness, saturation, shadows and many more which are good enough to edit your pictures like a professional.

vscocam- Best Photo Editing Apps

VSCO Cam is also available for both iOS and android.

5. Photo Editor by Aviary:

This is one of the popular and best photo editing app which is available in all 3 mobile platforms- iOS, Android and Windows mobile. This app is not powerful like other apps mentioned above but it is good enough to get the job done with lots of photo filters,effects, stickers, text and also crop, rotate, adjust color temperature, blur, brightness, contrast etc as your preference.

Aviary- Best Photo Editing Apps

As I mentioned before this app is available for all the 3 major mobile operating platforms (Android, iOS, Windows mobile).

So this is the list of best photo editing apps that you can choose and edit your pictures and make them look gorgeous like a professional. There are lots of other apps present in the Android, iOS or Windows Mobile market, so it is impossible to include them all in one post, so we will cover in upcoming posts so keep visiting this site. There are lots of other app lists are coming in other categories so keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the high Tech RoadShow inventions of today.

Facebook For ios 8 Update Ready To Get New Features And Updates

World’s number one interpersonal support site 

Facebook propels that Facebook for ios 8 update will get new attributes and overhauls in nearing weeks. There starting now is buzz proceeding with the doorway of ios 8 and facebook is all arranged to give better experience to the customers of facebook on ios stage. 

Upgrades to +Facebook for ios 8 

What’s new in Facebook for ios 8 Redesign: 

This new Facebook upgrade will redesign experience for customers who need to present substance from different applications to Facebook.this new overhaul will bring a few new contraptions which merge 

By in an expansive sense tapping the offer picture and selecting Facebook, one can give an association with a site from one system, photos or contraptions from cam move, and substance from remarkable applications. 

It will have an overhauled offer screen like the Facebook application which you starting now seen. You can now select the social undertaking of eyewitnesses you have to present or wire a region or upgrade status and imprint your amigos. 

In Facebook for ios 8 redesign Apple has changed its Area Administrations settings. There were two choices for underwriting you could give an application: On or Off. Promptly, there are three choices: Dependably, While Utilizing the Application, or Never. 

When you move up to ios 8, in case you at one time used Facebook with Area Administrations set to “On,” you’ll see that the locale setting now starts at “Dependably”. 

The new Facebook overhaul for +ios 8 will be open in nearing weeks.

keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the

High Tech RoadShow inventions of today.

Three Amazing Solutions to Repurpose an Old iPhone

When you were among the bajillions of people who purchased an iphone 6 or perhaps 6 Or more, you may end up watching your old iphone and pondering what the blazes in regards to it. 

bemo smart thermostat
Bemo smart thermostat
Certainly, you could offer it, however then you need to persist through the bothers of wiping your information, discovering the container and frill, making a posting in Craigslist or ebay, and, on the off chance that you wish top dollar, getting the telephone opened from your bearer. And, after its all said and done, the mammoth excess of used iphones emulating a month ago’s rollout means even “top dollar” may not precisely add up to much. 

Meh. To truly capitalize on your old iphone, provide for it a shiny new rent on life. Beneath I’ve gathered together three cool and unprecedented thoughts for repurposing that minor ios gadget. Furthermore these aren’t the old saws of making it a “committed tablet” (on the screen that little?! ) or “full-time music player for the auto. ” Bo-ring! 

1. Transform it into a home-security framework 

Camcorder? Check. Wi-Fi? Check. Your old iphone as of now gives the fundamental building pieces of a shrewd home-security framework. Everything you need now’s Vicinity, a free ios application giving you live feature streaming, movement forecast (with distributed storage), feature cautions furthermore controls for different brilliant home hardware like keen attachments. 

presence for ios
presence for ios

Simply put your telephone with a tripod or some other style of mount, point it toward the range you wish to screen (back patio, child’s space, side door), and fire in the application. At that point get joined through a comparative application on your new iphone

Despite the fact that there are some alternatively accessible premium peculiarities, you truly needn’t bother with the hoodlums to give your iphone the whole security-cam treatment. This right here, this is cool.

2. Transform it into a Home like savvy indoor regulator 

Savvy indoor regulators are amazing — simply ask any individual who claims a Home or something proportional. Presently envision one with the mental aptitude of iphone (even a 2012 model): That could sum to a virtuoso level indoor regulator, wouldn’t you say that? 

That is the real trick behind Kickstarter assignment Insightful Labs Bemo, which transforms your iphone into the brains of a keen house HVAC controller. It not just allows progressed warming/cooling booking and area based mechanization, additionally powers iphone-particular routines like streaming music or calling 911 on the off chance that there is crisis. 

Presently for the head-scratching data: The Kickstarter battle for Bemo essentially finished, and notwithstanding a Kickstarter Staff Pick suggestion and scope by outlets like CNET, it didn’t seem anyplace close reaching its unassuming $50, 000 objective. Given the prevalence of items much the same as the Home and the moderately reasonableness with the Bemo, I don’t see precisely why it didn’t improve. 

All things considered, I think the organization will either re-dispatch the fight or perhaps push ahead without it. You’ve got to hold up upward of a year to have a Bemo, yet my inclination is it’ll be more than worth the trouble. 

3. Transform it into a second cam for your next online feature shoot 

Cutting edge iphones can get full 1080p feature, which is really astonishing when you stop to think of it as. Obviously, it doesn’t make a difference whether you’re recording a marriage, soccer match, birthday party or perhaps your earth shattering film-celebration entrance: two cams are constantly superior to one. At the point when the time includes alter your footage, you’ll have the capacity to reduce and forward between two separate plot — and that is the distinction between a decent film and an incredible a solitary. 

So I’m just proposing utilizing your second iphone as a next cam, isn’t that so? Right! But utilize Collabracam running the show, either on the ipad, new iphone, or even an ipod itouch. This $4. 99 application gives you a chance to control up to six ios items at the same time, successfully administering your shoot continuously and on the fly. 

This can be the sort of hardware that can make shoestring feature preparations look most likely proficient (and costly). The application may even remotely control a Galileo robot dock, just on the off chance that you don’t have a second cameraman accessible to work your old iphone. 

keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the

Best Mobile Phone inventions of today.

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Project Cider, broker Digital to run IOS apps on Android

Press reports revealed the intention of the Apple phone support for iPhone 6 next technology “NFC” NFC, a technology that was absent from earlier versions of the phone.

The site said that the system specified Brightwire will give a set of attributes and new gimmicks of the telephone, for example, the capacity to utilize computerized cash Khafezh substitute for shrewd Mastercards.

NFC additionally gives uniting a few embellishments that work Mtlasq with the telephone, for example, socks brilliant.
It is important that a portion of the data spilled from inside Apple showed prior that the organization will dispatch another telephone in the month of August, while the models will be propelled with screens bigger than the  telephone itself by next September.

Apple iPhone6

 Specialists designed in an undertaking called Project Cider, digitally approach permits the establishment of another working framework ios applications on Android gadgets. 
The Web website Electrony that the new extend focused around the thought of ​​converting recipes BB code to applications running ios consequently to fit the nature’s turf. 
It is huge that the thought of ​​middleware applications are generally old, where there are numerous projects that permit projects to run applications and working framework environment in an alternate framework, yet the first run through for Android.

The new Apple business has drawn a ton of flack for its harsh depiction of collaboration in the middle of individuals and its items. For a contorted minute, the center has moved from the human experience to the device experience. The distinction of feelings is frightening and disturbing! Close on heels is the news that another iphone may be out in September, so till that time how about we assimilate this new tackle the Apple iphone 6 

Idea iphone6, transforming into ipad Mini 
Fashioner Pritesh Chavan introduced a fascinating idea iphone 6 as a transformer, a slight development takes the manifestation of a tablet. As the creator himself says, another adaptation of the cell phone is the same leap forward, what was before a first iphone. 
The reduced type of the gadget has a 4.2-inch screen size, and in the unfolded – show promptly expanded to 5.8 “or 7.5”, which relies on upon the quantity of open areas. Important to utilize the telephone tablet initiated ios working framework 7.

Battery and external shell of the gadget utilized graphene, which permits to diminish as far as possible iphone 6.The smaller type of the gadget has a 4.2-inch screen size, and in the unfolded – show instantly expanded to 5.8 “or 7.5”, which relies on upon the quantity of open areas. Important to utilize the telephone tablet enacted ios working framework 7. 
Battery and external shell of the gadget utilized graphene, which permits to lessen as far as possible iphone 6.
 Better approach to swiched on this iphone is keen enough to comprehend that you are utilizing it. it naturally switches on when you flip its left screen.and off base it is having a committed switch on catch on top as well. 

keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the high Tech RoadShow inventions of today.Enhanced by Zemanta

What Do iOS 8 And The New iPhones Mean For You?

Well, Apple’s new operating system (iOS 8) and iPhones (6 and 6 Plus) are officially out. What does the OS update mean for you? Should you get one of the new phones? We’ll try to help you answer those questions throughout the course of this article.

What do you think of the new devices? The new OS? .

First things first. Here’s what iOS 8 looks like.
Just kidding. If you don’t want to, you don’t even have to keep the new U2 album in your iTunes library
If you found it, and were less than thrilled, just know that was Apple and the band being “punk rock” and “disruptive”.

Okay, let’s move along. iOS 8

Apple calls the new version the biggest iOS release ever. It features major updates to apps like Messages and Photos, new content sharing capabilities, and new connections between apps and devices.
“Quickly find and edit the photos you take,” Apple says of the release. “Add your voice right in a text message. Let your health and fitness apps communicate with each other, with your trainer, and even with your doctor. We’ve also provided developers with deeper access and more tools. You’ll have new keyboard options and even more ways to share your content. And you’ll be able to use iCloud and Touch ID in ways you never have before.”
The new Photos app has new search features and smart albums that take care of your photo organization, makes your shots look better, and has new editing tools.

Messages lets you tap to record and send voice or video message. You can also share your location easily.

The iOS 8 interface gives you a new way to respond to notifications as well as shortcuts for those you talk to most. There are also new Mail management features.

The virtual keyboard adds contextual word suggestions as you type, even recognizing who you’re typing to and whether you’re in Mail or Messages.

There’s a Family Sharing feature that lets up to six people in your household share each other’s purchases from iTunes, iBooks, and the App Store. It lets families keep up with each other’s photos, calendars, and locations, as well.

iCloud Drive lets you work on any file from any device, and the OS connects with Macs in a deeper way than was previously possible. You can start an email on one device, for example, and continue it on another. You can even answer phone calls from your iPhone on your Mac or iPad, and send SMS messages from any of these devices.

Also included is an activity tracker, heart rate monitor, and other health and fitness apps that communicate with each other.

For developers, the iOS 8 SDK has over 4,000 new APIs, and includes new sharing options, widgets, custom actions and document APIs.
iOS 8 became available on Wednesday, and is available for iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPod touch 5th generation, iPad 2, iPad with Retina display, iPad Air, iPad mini, and iPad mini with Retina display.
iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus became available on Friday, but even before that, the the reviews from the tech blogs were overwhelmingly positive.

The iPhone 6 is a “thin, sexy phone with a killer camera,” says noted tech journalist David Pogue.
The device is “the best smartphone you can buy,” according to Walt Mossberg at Re/code.
“The iPhone 6 is a great upgrade for current iPhone owners, or for anyone, really. It manages to provide a much larger display in a phone that’s still small enough to handle easily,’ he writes.
The sentiments are echoed throughout the…echo chamber. Most have just about the same amount of praise for the iPhone 6 Plus, but some do find it to be just too big.
John Gruber, who is perhaps the most well-known blogger of all things Apple, says, “If you simply want a bigger iPhone, get the 4.7-inch iPhone 6. That’s what it feels like: a bigger iPhone. If you want something bigger than an iPhone, get the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus. It feels more like a new device — a hybrid device class that is bigger than an iPhone but smaller than an iPad Mini — than it feels like a bigger iPhone.”
He adds, “If you don’t want a bigger iPhone — and in recent weeks I’ve heard from numerous readers who still pine for the 3.5-inch display iPhones — you might be disappointed by this year’s iPhone lineup, and should consider sticking with the iPhone 5-class models.”
Read Gruber’s take for probably the most comprehensive review of the devices out there so far.
But all of that was from the media. What do average people think about the devices? Well, here’s a real-time feed of the iPhone conversation on Twitter, so see for yourself:
In light of recent celebrity photo leaks, the security of Apple devices has come into question, which is probably why Tim Cook wrote a letter for the company’s website addressing security and privacy concerns. Here are a couple of excerpts from that:
Security and privacy are fundamental to the design of all our hardware, software, and services, including iCloud and new services like Apple Pay. And we continue to make improvements. Two-step verification, which we encourage all our customers to use, in addition to protecting your Apple ID account information, now also protects all of the data you store and keep up to date with iCloud.
We believe in telling you up front exactly what’s going to happen to your personal information and asking for your permission before you share it with us. And if you change your mind later, we make it easy to stop sharing with us. Every Apple product is designed around those principles. When we do ask to use your data, it’s to provide you with a better user experience.
Our business model is very straightforward: We sell great products. We don’t build a profile based on your email content or web browsing habits to sell to advertisers. We don’t “monetize” the information you store on your iPhone or in iCloud. And we don’t read your email or your messages to get information to market to you. Our software and services are designed to make our devices better. Plain and simple.
One very small part of our business does serve advertisers, and that’s iAd. We built an advertising network because some app developers depend on that business model, and we want to support them as well as a free iTunes Radio service. iAd sticks to the same privacy policy that applies to every other Apple product. It doesn’t get data from Health and HomeKit, Maps, Siri, iMessage, your call history, or any iCloud service like Contacts or Mail, and you can always just opt out altogether.
Cook also makes it a point to note that Apple has never worked with a government agency from any country to create a backdoor in any of its products or services, and has never allowed access to services (and “never will”).
The NFC feature of the new iPhone models only support Apple Pay, which is the company’s new payment mechanism for users to pay for good and services in the physical world (as well as online). Still, the company already has 220,000 retail locations on board for that.
In case you’re wondering how the phones stack up against their Android counterparts, here’s a comparison with the Samsung Galaxy S5.
Oh, and don’t forget, if you get an iPhone, you’ll be able to use that Apple Watch when it comes out.
keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the high Tech RoadShow inventions of today.Enhanced by Zemanta

Five Rationale You Needn’t Bother With an I phone Cases

i phone cases keep a huge amount of evil at the present time sad wounds, both for the contraption whilst your wallet, yet would they say they are will truly pined for? 


The huge spark driving why individuals put cases on the iphones is decidedly on the grounds that setbacks happen. Unmistakably, individuals don’t for the most part attempt and deliberately chop down their Pdas, however on the off chance that some individual chances upon an individual, beating the iphone out of your hand, you’re somewhat screwed, and We can’t illuminate you how generally I’ve ignored that the iphone was sitting with my board and I came to stand upwards, just to see that the iphone was tumbling for the ground. 

This can be an exceptional motivation to expand a case for your iphone, however on a very basic level after I’ve dropped my iphone here and there and each of the four corners have a tendency to be dinged upwards, despite I rot to put in a circumstance on the gadget, basically as the cons truly surpass the mind blowing characteristics of i phone cases. 

Gift me to give five avocation behind why I don’t have an iphone circumstance, and you could apparently identify with these moreover. 

Cases Put Mass close by Weight 

The i phone 5s is a champion among the most thin phones out there, and by judiciousness of that, its a fantasy to hold in the hand. 

Otterbox iphone 5s case 

Regardless, join the case so you now utilize a hunk connected with plastic which captivates your iphone a ton more vital in degrees and can make it weigh an extraordinary course of action besides, depending inside the case. It’s a ton harder to slide all around of your pocket, particularly in the event that you have one of individuals silicon silicone cases that in a far-reaching way makes that will troublesome notwithstanding. 

With in a condition, I will no more feel including I have an extraordinary smartphone, however rather a bit of plastic-sort material that is uncomfortable to hold 

Cases Aren’t Additional Welcoming 

As a result of the iphone’s notoriety, there are a monster measure of ornamentation you may get for it. Several embellishments which i use by a wide edge the most are this Olloclip the len’s unit in addition the Glif, both that are decorations that don’t wear down all once your iphone passes on a case. 

In addition, I found that some Turbo interfaces close by sound associations wouldn’t fit into their particular ports as the case’s interface openings occasionally aren’t gigantic enough. I ran into this matter with an Amazonbasics Turbo association, and a few the sound associations were so colossal it was doubtful fit into my iphone5s’ headphone jack as the case is developing. 

This was one of a few huge explanation for why I chose to run caseless with my i phone, on a very basic level on the grounds that I pined for helpers to be viable without in a condition going about as an inconvenience. I saw myself a great part of the time bringing reality off connected with my iphone to convince an associate to be suitable, on the other hand We at last essentially left discharged from everything related this issue close by I haven’t searched for back. 

Cases Cover the magnificence of i phone Design 

The i phone 5s is a champion among the most engaging smartphones out there. It’s generally of the contraptions that will utilizes an aluminum close by glass combo totally around, which surrenders it decreased show and feel. Why might clearly anybody would need to cover this sort of? 

As awhile ago expressed, the i phone 5s’ thin and more modest diagram can make it really fitting to hold in this hand, other than the inclination joined with aluminum with skin is reliably a vibe that will isn’t faraway from uncommon, so why on the globe might I would need to supplant that will feeling utilizing a massive bit of subtle plastic-sort material? 


Positive, cowhide cases can be a pleasant substitute, in light of the path that there’s positively nothing that can match the surface of ordinary calfskin (and don’t kick me off inside the emanation). By and by, no condition will ever trump the engineering and look of a revealed i phone. 

Cases Don’t Offer 100% Affirmation 

Clearly, iphone circumstances are utilized to ensure the thing that its joining, yet it won’t keep harm from every one unintended drop. Reliant upon how an individual drop the iphone in addition the way it arrives on the certain sort of surface, a case clearly won’t do much as security. As a representation, a condition can retain a basic number of the stun from the effect, notwithstanding, if the iphone arrives basically right, it can even now split the showcase or rub up a tinier bit of the contraption that will isn’t ensured. All it requires is some ideal good fortune (or nonattendance thereof). 


Unmistakably, having an iphone case gives change over not having one at all the degree that accidental chops down, however individuals have a tendency to procure a bit pompous and thusly are more kind as for keeping an eye on their iphone, which opens the entranceway for a more prominent rate joined with setbacks, and emerge favored debacle will be all it requires for an iphone to break somehow, with or and not utilizing a case. 

Cases Can Be Luxurious 

You can get some insistently dishonorable i phone cases, with numerous people fundamentally produced using unpretentious plastic that positively don’t perform thing the degree that genuinely guaranteeing your i phone against evil. In the event that you certainly oblige a brilliant iphone case that essentially does the occupation well, you’ll be looking to pay in any occasion $50. 

Otterbox is considered among the finest iphone circumstance creators all around, and even an incomprehensible assignment of their most clear cases start at all around $30, however in case you’re obliging stunning security, you’ll generally be paying at any rate $50, with several cases going as tall as $100 with additional shocking idiosyncr

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Find out about new specifications for "iPhone 6" and the battery life is the element of surprise!

The association hopes to “Apple” smart phone give the normal “iphone 6″ higher farthest point battery took a gander at Bhattvha current “iphone 5 sustenance,” according to the trade Chinese master on the webpage “Weibo” Weibo, which is the Chinese variation of the micro-blogging page “Twitter.” 

iphone 5
iphone 5
Tune said Chang Shu, refering to sources supplied for “Apple,” The model that will come screen measuring 4.7 inches from the phone “iphone 6” will outfit a battery with a farthest point of 2,100 mom/ h, and this limit addresses an addition of 45.8 percent appeared differently in relation to the phone “iphone 5 S.” battery, which goes hand in hand with an utmost of 1,440 milliampere/ hour. 

The pictures were discharged a month back has showed that the phone “iphone 6” will outfit a battery with a breaking point of 1,810 mom/ hour, yet according to Tune, these smaller cutoff battery was for test purposes in the midst of the change stage to the last thing. 

Sung said that the last framework of the model 4.7 inches from the phone “iphone 6” typical to go with a battery greater than the past discharges appeared in, where the battery will give a cutoff of 2,100 mom/ hour. 

As far as possible is a champion among the most notable issues smartphones at present where the battery is lacking to work for very much a while, which is working with associations to upgrade each new manifestation of their things. 

This has since quite a while prior loathed the association “Samsung” which is the best rivals, “Apple” in their advancements from a nonappearance of farthest point batteries phones “iphone” and reason persevering to its customers, which is shown in the smart phone “Framework S 5” battery with an utmost of 2,800 mother/ hour. 

Furthermore remember the news that the association “Apple” plans to reveal a phone “iphone 6” in the ninth month of September/ September, where the association is obliged to hold a media event to do so. 

stay mindful of the most exceptional advancements and think about how these will be used as a part without limits. On this online diary I’ll grant my insights about the possible destiny of technology, considering the bleeding edge Roadshow developments of today. 

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Get a few answers concerning new determinations for “iphone 6” and the battery life is the segment of stun! 

The 5.5-inch iphone 6 will have a 2,915mah battery, however don’t expect better battery life 

New Feature Again Demonstrates 5.5-Inch iphone 6 Battery With 2,915 mah Limit.

keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the high Tech RoadShow inventions of today.

Microsoft Apps You Should Have On Your iPhone and Galaxy S4

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Microsoft is typically on the receiving end of a lot of criticism these days. The company’s Windows 8 operating system introduced a new swath of changes that both delighted and alienated longtime Windows users. Its Surface RT tablet cost the company $900 million in stock write downs. Very few of the company’s moves can’t be considered unmitigated wins for both users and the company itself.

Of those few wins, the biggest has to be its approach to other mobile platforms. Whereas the Microsoft of last decade would have forced users to buy phones in its Windows Phone operating system to get access to the company’s services, the Microsoft of today makes all of its applications available to users on multiple platforms. Here are the mobile applications you should have on your iPhone or Samsung Galaxy S4 right now.

Skype is available on both iOS and Android.

That they should install Skype’s for its nearly ubiquitous video and messaging service won’t come as a surprise to either Android or iPhone users. Google Hangouts and FaceTime are pretty excellent for connecting with users inside of Google and Apple’s ecosystem, but no other messaging service is as available as Skype. It’s even on BlackBerry 10. Simply download it and communicate with other users regardless of what device they own. It’s really that simple. [Download Skype in the iTunes App Store orGoogle Play].

OneNote for the iOS allows users to sync different notes to a wide range of devices for free.

Microsoft’s OneNote desktop application is an under-appreciated hero. The youngest of the applications created for Microsoft’s Office suite of productivity apps, it allows users to store notes created with a keyboard and a stylus. These notes are then automatically synced between devices, and users can also share them with friends and family. [Download OneNote in the iTunes App Store or Google Play].


Microsoft Office 365 for Android allows users to edit Word and Excel documents and sync them between devices.

Although I struggle to recommend users download Office for Android on iOS or Android, the hard reality is that users who find that creating documents and spreadsheets is mission critical shouldn’t accept any imitations. Paying $9.99 a month or $99 a year for a native version of the world’s most widely used word processor and presentation maker just makes sense for some users. [Download Office in the iTunes App Store or Google Play].
Xbox Music

Xbox Music is the only streaming music subscription service from the largest-three tech companies that works on iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

In the past few months Microsoft has finally started to take baby steps toward creating an all-inclusive music service. Now with Xbox Music available on iOS, users can stream the service’s entire library of content for $9.99 without ads, or on the web for free with ads. With Google Play Music All Access still missing for iPhone users, it’s the only music service made by one of the three largest technology platforms that works with every mobile platform. [Download Xbox Music in the iTunes App Store or Google Play].

SkyDrive is available on iOS and Android.

Like subscription music, each platform has its own native cloud storage solution, but only Microsoft’s is as widely available natively. SkyDrive allows users to upload their files to Microsoft’s cloud storage solution free of charge. Those files are then available anytime on the web or by downloading them through a SkyDrive app. [Download SkyDrive in the iTunes App Store or Google Play].
Xbox SmartGlass

Control your Xbox 360, using the Android and iOS versions of Microsoft’s Xbox SmartGlass app.

Microsoft’s Xbox 360 didn’t become a contender in the entertainment console market by excluding users on other platforms. Microsoft makes a version of SmartGlass for Android and iOS that allows users to monitor their progress in games, and control their Xbox without having to ever pick up a controller. [Download Xbox SmartGlass in the iTunes App Store or Google Play].
Halo Waypoint

Halo Waypoint allows users to track their place in Halo 4 multiplayer.

While we’re on the subject of gaming, if you’re a serious Halo player there is nothing better than having a phone application to monitor your character’s progress, get updates on changes being made to the game’s multiplayer and connecting with the posts from the rest of the Halo community. Halo Waypoint provides such an experience to both Android and iPhone users. [Download Xbox SmartGlass in the iTunes App Store or Google Play].

Microsoft isn’t done yet, the company recently announced that it was planning to introduce a new Remote Desktop application that allows Android and iOS users to connect to their Windows device from anywhere. It’s also moved to bring Xbox LIVE achievements to devices that aren’t running Windows Phone through its introduction of Wordament for iOS and Android users.

One way or another, the company’s plans on making Microsoft users out of as many users as possible and each one of these applications are first-class experiences.