HTC One X Review | $199 AT&T 4G LTE

HTC hopes to regain their King of the Hill status in the realm of Android smartphones with the One series, and the HTC One X is the flagship of the line. Featuring LTE speeds, a robust processor, a great camera plus a really good audio experience, the One X has what it takes to be a fabulous phone।Unfortunately, some of HTC’s old problems rear their ugly heads again। Remember the original Evo 4G’s poor battery life? Welcome back to that. And the

HTC Thunderbolt’s heat issues? Deja vu। Despite the battery thing, the HTC Evo went on to become super popular। This proves that as long as a smartphone hits all the other ticky boxes for greatness hard enough, customers are willing to ignore or find ways around the other issues. Will that be the case with the HTC One X? It definitely scores high on the good stuff, including just being a great looking device. Read on to find out whether you should be at your local AT&T store on May 6th when this bad boy finally hits shelves.


  • Beautiful, large pixel dense display
  • Light and comfortable to hold
  • Good cameras

  • Short battery life
  • Gets noticeably hot
  • No microSD card slot
  • Battery not user replaceable

HTC One X | $199 | AT&T

HTC One X Review Guide
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Though the One X has a 4.7-inch display, the phone doesn’t really feel massive unless you sit it next to smaller handsets. You won’t get the same WHAT IS THAT?! reaction that Galaxy Note owners have to deal with every time they show their phone in public.
The streamlined design minimizes the 5.3 x 2.8 inch size somewhat, and the thin 0.36-inch profile helps the One X look svelte even with the big screen dominating the front. The edges don’t have the smooth, straightforward curve of the HTC One S from T-Mobile, instead opting for a cut that creates a flat edge for the ports and buttons. This doesn’t make the phone less holdable; the tactile experience is somewhat different.

In addition to being thin, the One X is also light, weighing just 4.6 ounces. It’s not so light that it feels like it will slip from your hands. Instead, it feels just substantive enough for sturdiness while not giving off the big phone vibe.
The unibody shell of the AT&T version is made of a polycarbonate material that does feel plastic, but not cheap. It’s available in dark grey and all white for those who enjoy a phone with a color that will stand out. The unibody design has several implications, the main one being that the 1800 mAh battery is not removable. There’s also no microSD card slot, which means you’re stuck with the 16GB of internal storage.

This size is plenty big enough even for app fiends, but does mean that users will probably want to keep the bulk of their pictures, video and music in the cloud. That’s pretty easy these days, especially with the free 25GB of DropBox space you get with the phone.
Around back the 8MP camera lens is raised and ringed in chrome, which goes along with HTC’s emphasis on photography in the One line. Sadly, the protruding lens may mean it will scratch much easier than the average phone camera.
On the bottom right side are five gold contacts that serve as wireless docking connectors for HTC accessories. A microUSB on the left is the only other connection port.

On the front HTC keeps it simple, as always. The device’s LED notification light sits behind the earpiece grill on top, invisible when inactive. The 1.3MP front-facing camera is easily visible next to the grill.
HTC chose to keep the capacitive buttons on the One series phones even though they all ship with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (which incorporates these buttons into the operating system, eliminating the need for them). Instead of Home, Menu, Back and Search users get Back, Home and Recent Apps.

HTC One X Display

The design of the One X does everything to minimize how big the phone is so that you won’t pass it up just because of the large 4.7-inch Super LCD display. So, is the screen worth it?
To start, it’s a really beautiful display and boasts rich colors and true blacks. Plus, HTC didn’t just up the screen size and leave the resolution at average. Users get 1280 x 720 pixels for a pixel density of 312ppi. This is pretty close to the “Retina Display” pixel density of 326ppi on the iPhone 4S, yet you get to enjoy it on a much bigger canvas.
The result is that text remains crisp even at small font sizes and watching HD video or looking at the pictures taken with the rear-facing camera in the gallery is a pleasure.

The display is still visible and usable in the sunlight

The Super LCD technology offers wide viewing angles and excellent performance in the sunlight. With the display left on automatic brightness I was able to view the phone out in the sun with no problems, even when it got really bright.

HTC Sense 4, Ice Cream Sandwich and Apps

The One X runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) with the HTC Sense 4 skin/user interface on top. Sense is one of the most extensive skins for Android devices right now, which is either a good or a terrible feature depending on your point of view.
True fans of stock Android won’t dig the experience on the One X. Not only does Sense change the look of the operating system, it actually tweaks some of the core functionality.
The saving grace is that though Sense is all up in your face, it’s there in a good way. Sense aims to make using Android a smoother experience. It does so by putting the functions and features you like just one or two taps away or by streamlining the process of personalizing your Android experience.

HTC Sense 4 Widget Browser and App Shortcut Maker

For example, Ice Cream Sandwich changed the way users access widgets to put on the Home screen. Instead of tapping and holding on a blank space on a Home screen, you choose a widget from the App drawer. Apparently the devs at HTC don’t like this, so they reinstated the tap and hold function and hid the widget browser in the app drawer.

I’m a big fan of the Lock screen on HTC Sense since users can personalize which apps show up there. To quickly launch from the Lock screen, simply drag the app into the ring.
Thanks to the internal specs, Sense doesn’t slow Android down the way some skins can.

Despite being an Ice Cream Sandwich phone there are still hardware buttons

As mentioned above, HTC opted to keep hardware buttons instead of going with on-screen Home, Menu and Recent Apps buttons in stock ICS. People who are as against buttons as Google will not appreciate this change. People like me who prefer physical buttons will be happy with it.
The only drawback is that HTC leaves off the Menu button. Instead, the three vertical dots that indicate Menu functionality appear, usually at the bottom of the screen, when applicable. Eventually developers will re-code their apps to get rid of this type of Menu functionality, but until then we’re left with a less than perfect solution.

Apps pre-loaded on the HTC One X

Aside from the usual core Google apps there are some standard HTC apps as well. I’m a fan of the souped-up Clock app, Friend Stream (ties together multiple social networks), Notes (hooks up to Evernote), the Car Dock interface, HTC Watch, and Flashlight.
The HTC Hub is also on board, providing an (unnecessary) second app market as well as a place to download more HTC personalizations like themes.
AT&T doesn’t load too many of their own apps on-board, and those they do are generally useful.
ReadyToGo helps users new to Android set up their phones via their computers. There’s also a Device Help app. AT&T Family Map is a useful tool for parents to keep track of where everyone on the family plan is, location-wise. And My AT&T connects to your account, letting you know how many minutes, texts or megabytes of data you’ve used to far plus other account information and services.
AT&T Navigator costs extra to use and doesn’t offer much of a premium over Google Maps/Navigation. And AT&T U-verse TV has some okay content, though most users can satisfy these needs via Netflix or Google Play Movies.

HTC One X Performance Scores – NYC

One of the biggest differences between the AT&T and International versions of the HTC One X is that the American model comes with a 1.5GHz dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor inside, not a quad-core Nvidia Tegra 3 CPU. HTC says that the reason for this is that the Tegra 3 chip wasn’t compatible with LTE radios at the time of manufacturing. Regardless of the reason, it’s a major let down for people who want the speediest phone.
Will having a dual-core phone affect most users all that much? Probably not. With the Snapdragon CPU inside the One X is nice and speedy. Whether swiping through the interface, opening apps, or playing games like Temple Run or Grand Theft Auto III, the phone didn’t show signs of lagging or struggling. Even HTC Sense didn’t slow it down.
Multitasking also didn’t appear to have an adverse affect on the phone. Even with over 15 apps open or running in the background the handset behaved the same.
Down the road more resource-intensive apps will come along to take advantage of the quad-core phones of the near future, but the majority of these will be games.
On AT&T’s 4G LTE network, the One X averaged 11.72 Mbps down and 9.53 Mbps up as measured by the app. The speediest download time I saw was 25.67 Mbps, but most results hovered around the average. This is slower than the Galaxy Note on the same network, which saw an average of 19.4 Mbps down and 11.1 Mbps up.
The back of the One X gets noticeably hot when charging, when the LTE radio is pulling down a lot of data (such as downloading MP3s from Google Music), and when working hard (such as when playing games). Not so hot as to be dangerous, but enough that it’s cause for concern.

HTC One X Battery Life

What’s using the battery

Combine a large display with a powerful processor and an LTE radio and what do you get? Battery drain. It’s an unfortunate fact and one that anybody shopping for a big phone has to take into consideration. Still, the 1800mAh battery doesn’t seem quite enough for the One X.
In my first couple of days with the smartphone the battery only lasted between 6 and 8 hours with light to medium usage (LTE on, Wi-Fi off). On the third day I used minimal Wi-Fi, listened to music and made a 40 minute phone call. This drained the battery very fast, resulting in the phone getting down to 4% in less than 6 hours. The fourth day I experienced the same without a long phone call to drain things: I got down to 4% in a little less than 6 hours.
The display is the biggest power hog, but it’s possible to mitigate this by manually keeping the brightness low. Inside, I would keep it below 20% without any loss of quality. As with any LTE smartphone, keeping the Wi-Fi connected whenever possible also helps with battery life.

Call Quality

When making calls I heard voices on the other end clearly via the earpiece and with a headset connected. Callers reported that my voice also came through clearly and that background noise didn’t drown me out, even when I stood on a noisy NYC street.
The speaker on the back pumps loud volume for both hands-free calls and music.

Beats Audio and Music

HTC’s partnership with Beats Audio means a pleasant and noticeably better aural experience on the HTC One X over phones with average audio quality.
The Beats enhancements only kick in with headphones, but they now turn on whenever media audio plays. This includes games and video in addition to any music app. Gone is the odd restriction we saw on the HTC Rezound.
Audio quality is nice and full both on the top and bottom, though there is a definite favoring of bass. Not a surprise, given the history of Beats Audio. While these enhancements may still be nothing more than fine-tuned equalizer settings, those of us who don’t know how to tweak an EQ appreciate the phone doing the work for us.

left: Music app widget; right: Music pp launch screen

Google Play Music, MOG, TuneIn Radio and SoundHound are all pre-loaded on the One X so that users can get right down to the business of listening to music. The HTC Music app is more than just the stock player with a good skin. It serves as a hub for all music apps — users can add their own — and the music users have on their device.
Unfortunately, with only 16GB of internal storage, music lovers won’t be able to store a large library on the One X.

HTC One X Cameras

Alongside HTC Sense 4 and Beats Audio, HTC also emphasizes the great camera experience on the One series. The One X’s rear-facing 8MP f/2.0 camera aims to be good enough that you can leave even a fancy point and shoot at home. The camera itself is backed by an app that offers dozens of settings and features plus editing for images after you shoot them.
Outdoors in good lighting the camera takes beautiful pictures. And thanks to different modes, including HDR, close-up/macro and low light, it is possible to get better than average pictures under these conditions. The images won’t be very sharp, especially when you get into details, but they do offer a good balance of color, light and shadow.

Indoor performance isn’t all that impressive. This is due, in part, to how light the camera is, making it hard to keep it still when taking pictures. The shutter is very fast, especially when no flash is involved. So pictures don’t always come out sharp or in-focus. When they do, the quality is all right, but not great.
The front-facing camera takes decent, light-filled images and delivers a not too noisy result when video chatting over Google+.

Is the HTC One X Worth $199?

The HTC One X’s biggest competition on AT&T (literally) is the $299 Samsung Galaxy Note. Both phones are larger than average, but the One X still manages to feel like a normal phone despite the size whereas the Note feels like a hybrid device.
The $199 iPhone 4S has a slightly higher pixel density, but can’t match the One X on speed. However, you’ll get better battery life from Apple’s phone.
The bottom line is that the HTC One X is a speedy, beautiful phone with a great display and a camera that should satisfy most average shutterbugs. And, thanks to the inclusion of Beats Audio, there are compelling reasons to leave the separate MP3 player at home. Ice Cream Sandwich and Sense 4 work pretty well together to boot.
However, the heat issue and the short battery life are both big drawbacks.
If neither of those things deter you, HTC offers quite a bit of fancy phone for just $199.

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Nokia Lumia 620 vs HTC Windows Phone 8S

smartphones are fun to play with, but that luxury cannot be afforded by
everyone. This is why mid-range smartphones continue to be the best
solution as they offer most of the high-end features, but at a very
affordable price. The latest handset to enter the game is the Nokia
Lumia 620. According to Nokia, we can expect the Lumia 620 to hit stores
some time around mid-February. Currently, there’s only one handset that
competes with the Lumia 620 and that’s the HTC Windows Phone 8S. Let’s
take a closer look at both the handsets.

Nokia Lumia 620 – (Approx.) Rs. 20,000
We managed to get a quick hands-on with the Lumia 620 during the launch event of the Lumia 920, which you can read about here.
The 620 is going to be a much more wallet-friendly handset and much
easier to carry around as well. With a screen size of 3.8-inches and a
WVGA resolution, we are looking at sharp pictures and text. It also uses
Nokia’s ClearBlack display, so sunlight legibility should be good too.
A worthy contender
A worthy contender

The handset is powered by a dual-core Snapdragon S4 SoC, so
expect snappy performance. Apart from the 8GB of onboard storage to keep
most users happy, there’s room for expansion via memory card.
Connectivity-wise, we have 3G, Wi-Fi dual-band, Bluetooth and NFC. Nokia
has also managed to cram a 5MP snapper with an aperture value of f/2.4,
which means it should fare well when it comes to low-light photography.
While we don’t have a confirmed price from Nokia, looking at its
current positioning of the Lumia 820 and the Lumia 920, we can take an
educated guess that it would be around the Rs 20,000 mark.

HTC Windows Phone 8S – Rs. 20,000
8S is the smaller sibling of the 8X and compared to the Lumia 620,
features a slightly larger 4.0-inch screen, with the same WVGA
resolution. You also get Corning’s Gorilla glass to help keep scratches
away. The handset is powered by the same piece of silicon as the 620 and
also shares the same amount of 512MB RAM. A couple of things we found
missing here are NFC, dual-band Wi-Fi and a front facing camera, as
compared to the Lumia 620. Due to the slightly larger screen, HTC has
managed to cram in a bigger 1700mAh battery in there, so we can expect a
better battery life here.
The cheapest WP 8 device
The cheapest WP8 device

It’s time to put them in the ring and see which one comes out as the winner.
The 620 takes the lead
The 620 takes the lead
The bottom line
The Nokia Lumia 620 has all
the makings of a successful WP8 device around the Rs 20,000 price
bracket (our estimate of the launch price). While it’s very similar to
the HTC 8S in terms of specifications, it manages to stand out by
offering more onboard storage, dual-band Wi-Fi, a larger aperture value
for the rear camera, a front facing camera, NFC and active noise
cancellation. If Nokia manages to match the pricing of the HTC 8S or is
even a bit more, it still looks like a much better option. The only
thing that might hurt the 620 is the smaller battery.

HTC Announces Windows Phone 8X For November Release

HTC’s 8X is finally official with a slightly different name than we originally
thought: Windows Phone 8X by HTC.
The new Windows Phone 8X by HTC is HTC’s flagship Windows Phone 8
device and it looks so nice that Microsoft even let HTC put Windows
Phone 8 in the phone’s title. The Windows Phone 8X has a 4.3-inch 720p
display, and uses a dual-core 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4 processor.
Like HTC’s recent One lineup of Android phones the Windows Phone 8X features Beats audio for enhanced sound.
The phone also features the ImageChip used in those phones so it
should produce excellent photos and video with its 8MP rear-facing
camera. The camera features a back-side illuminated sensor, an f/2.0
aperture, and a 28mm lens. It can also shoot 1080p video with stereo
Windows Phone 8X by HTC
The front facing camera can also shoot 1080p video and take advantage
of the ImageChip. The front-facing camera is 2.1MP and it has an
ultra-wide-angle (88°) lens to capture more people in every frame.
Unlike HTC’s One series of phones, the WIndows Phone 8X comes in a
variety of colors. Those colors include purple, red, yellow, and black.
The phone’s feature a sleek unibody design that manages to look unique
while also maintaining a thin profile of just 10.12mm.
The Windows Phone 8X by HTC will release in November and could come to AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon in the U.S.
Unfortunately we don’t know the price, and the exact release date
will have to wait until Microsoft announces the release date of Windows
Phone 8. The company will likely hold an event on October 29 to make that announcement.

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Oppo Find 5 Phablet With Pixel-Topping 1080p Display Revealed

Oppo has revealed its phablet competitor to the LG Intuition 4G on
Verizon Wireless and the Samsung Galaxy Note on AT&T and T-Mobile
as well as the Galaxy Note II
in the form of a 5-inch smartphone called the Oppo Find 5. The device
features a pixel-topping 1080p HD display in that form factor, giving it
a resolution of 441 ppi. It’s unclear if the human eye can really
discern anything above a 300 ppi display, but this one is definitely
looking to out-retina Apple’s Retina Display on the iPhone.
The display would be a five-inch panel with a resolution of 1920 X
1080 pixels. The device would compete with HTC’s rumored 1080p HD
phablet with a similar 5-inch screen.

The Oppo Find 5 will be powered by a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro processor.
Additional details are scarce on the Oppo Find 5, including whether
or not the device will support 4G LTE network connectivity or if it will
be limited to 3G HSPA/HSPA+.
On the part of the HTC phablet, which has the model number HTC 6435LVW, Engadget
is reporting that the device will be powered by a dual-core Snapdragon
S4 processor, which is contrary to the quad-core S4 Pro rumors we’ve
heard of in the past, and also 4G LTE connectivity. That device will
also support the N-Trig active digitizing technology that was found in
HTC’s Flyer tablet and will give HTC’s latest tablet competitive specs
to the Galaxy Note and Galaxy Note II in terms of supporting pen-enabled
handwriting support. Samsung says that the Note II uses active
digitizing technology from Wacom.

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Leaked Galaxy S III Screen Protector Suggests 4.8-Inch Display

Prior to Samsung’s May 3rd event to unveil the Galaxy S III flagship Android smartphone, accessories-maker Colorant has released a screen protector dubbed the Ultimate Screen Guard for the device. The leaked screen protector reveals some tidbits about the dimensions of the phone, including the fact that the Galaxy S III may support a display size of approximately 4.8 inches.

According to Unwired HK, which obtained the Colorant screen protector, the screen protector is too big when overlaid on top of the 4.3-inch display of the Samsung Galaxy S II smartphone. Compared to the 4.7-inch display of the HTC One X smartphone, the Colorant screen protector is still slightly too big for that device’s screen, suggesting that the screen protector will accommodate a display size of about 4.8 inches, according to SlashGear.

Additionally, the screen protector also reveals a cutout for a dedicated home button, confirming earlier leaks that depicted a Galaxy S III with a dedicated home button–similar to Apple’s iPhone design. However, other Android navigation keys would be moved onto the screen.

It’s unclear, however, if the dedicated home button will be present on a Galaxy S III release in the U.S. In the past, Samsung phones that make their way to the U.S. often come without the dedicated home button in favor of four capacitive Android navigation keys.

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White HTC Sensation with Android 4.0 Launching March 1st

The HTC Sensation has almost been around for a year now and apparently HTC likes it so much that it’s going to be releasing another edition with a couple of interesting changes. The first, it’s going to be arriving in Ice White, you can see how that color scheme works in the photo. And secondly, it’s going to be launching with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich out of the box.

Pretty nice, right?

The device is apparently going to be hitting Europe on March 1st and as we said, it will be coming with the same hardware that arrived on the HTC Sensation that launched in April of last year.

So that means you’ll get the 1.2 GHz dual core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. You’ll have a 4.3-inch Super LCD display with qHD (540 x 960) resolution. You’ll have 768MB of RAM. 1GB of internal storage space. An 8MP rear camera. And a VGA front-facing camera to round it out.

HTC Sensation

The design, besides the coloring, will remain the same as well.

Now, it’s an unknown as to whether or not this beauty is going to be making it to the shores of the United States. If we had to guess, we’d probably say no. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t keep your fingers crossed. Or attempt to import one when it arrives.

It’s not that big of a deal though, folks.

Remember, the Mobile World Congress is just around the corner and HTC is expected to unveil a couple of smartphones in the HTC Edge and the HTC Ville. The Edge of course is rumored to be quad-core in nature while the Ville is rumored for T-Mobile’s network.

So, we think you’ll survive if the white Sensation doesn’t end up touching down.

For those of you in Europe though, circle March 1st on your calendar.

Via: EuroDroid

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Android 4.0 for Lenovo ThinkPad Rolling Out in May

Not wanting to be left out of the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich Club, Lenovo has announced that its Android-powered ThinkPad tablet will be getting Android 4.0 at some during the month of May. Sadly, like many manufacturers, the company did not specific any sort of target date for the software’s arrival. Still, it’s better than what a lot of companies have offered as far as Android 4.0 roll out dates are concerned.

Companies like HTC, Motorola and Samsung have also announced extremely broad release windows for Android 4.0 updates so it was nice of Lenovo to hand out a target month for the Over-the-Air (OTA) roll out.

Unfortunately, it’s only February which means that those of you with ThinkPad have quite the wait ahead of you.

It could be worse though. Like, update not coming worse.


Android 4.0 is, by most accounts, a fantastic piece of software and it figures to make the ThinkPad, a tablet that we thought was the best Honeycomb tablet on the market back in October, even better.

Features coming with the ThinkPad’s Android 4.0 update include:

· A new and improved browser with a significant speed enhancement that allows users to jump to their favorite content faster and even save it for reading later in case there’s no network available.
· Voice input allows users to dictate text. As the voice input engine enters text, it underlines possible dictation errors in gray. After dictating, users can tap the underlined words to quickly replace them from a list of suggestions.
· Face Unlock, a new screen-lock option that lets users unlock their device with their face. It takes advantage of the devices’ front-facing camera and state-of-the-art facial recognition technology to register a face during setup and then recognize it again when unlocking the device.

Of course, those are just a few of ICS’ features.

For an in-depth look at Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich,

So, for those of you that own one, keep an eye out for the update in May.

And for those of you that don’t yet have a ThinkPad or have been thinking about picking up an Android tablet,

keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the high Tech Road Show Blog inventions of today.

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HTC Bringing Beats Audio to Mid-Range Primo Android 4.0 Handset

Despite its larger than life name, the HTC Primo will be targeted as a mid-range Android smartphone running Google’s Ice Cream Sandwich platform. However, it seems that HTC will be moving to make its premium audio experience, thanks to a partnership with Beats Audio, more widely available and the mid-range Primo will be bundled with Beats Audio.

The latest render of the HTC Primo depicts a device with a 3.7-inch screen devoid of any Android navigation keys. Instead, the navigation keys, like on Samsung’s Galaxy Nexus, have been moved to the screen area. The device will feature Gorilla Glass, though it’s unclear if this will be the new Gorilla Glass 2 screens that were introduced at CES 2012. The phone will have a dual-core 1.0 GHz Snapdragon CPU, 512 MB RAM, and rear-facing 5-megapixel camera with 720p HD video capture.

The phone is expected to be announced at Mobile World Congress next month alongside HTC’s more premium rumored handsets, like the HTC Ville and the HTC Edge, which may launch as the HTC Supreme.

Via: PocketDroid

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Huawei Goes High-End With Diamond Smartphones
Huawei’s new high-end smartphones, which will be introduced at Mobile World Congress next month in Barcelona, will be part of the company’s new ‘Diamond’ series. The Diamond series, according to Huawei’s chairman Richard Yu, will best the company’s latest Ascend P1 S

smartphone flagship, which was introduced just this month at CES 2012.

The Ascend P1 S was a noteworthy introduction at CES 2012 thanks to its super slim form factor, besting even the slim Droid RAZR, and small footprint despite powerful internal specs.

Yu didn’t go into specifics about how the Diamond series will best the Ascend P1 S nor did he go into details about the specs for the new phones.

Whatever the case may be, it’s an exciting time for Huawei as the company attempts to replicate HTC’s success in the smartphone space and try to build a brand for itself. Like HTC in its early Pocket PC/Windows Mobile days of yore, Huawei started out as a manufacturer that rebrands its phones at the request of carriers and other retailers. Now that Huawei is trying to shape its own destiny with its own brand, it is stepping up its game from entry-level handsets into the
high-end market. And with the solid build quality of the T-Mobile Springboard Android tablet, it seems that Huawei has a lot going for it.

We’ll just have to wait for a few more short weeks to find out what exactly Huawei will be showing off on the international stage.

Via: The Verge

keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the high Tech Road Show Blog inventions of today.

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See how it looks on the ice cream sandwich Galxa S 2 with the interface TouchWiz 4.0

released a video about four minutes duration shows us a copy of Android 4.0 – Ice Cream Sandwich to the Galaxy S II with the interface TouchWiz 4.0. As we used the Samsung faced in full, but not blue icons in the upper toolbar alerts, and some new features of Android 4.0 that‘s like displayed with the new tasks and new browser down, the interfaces are virtually identical to the device is currently a copy of gingerbread.

In fact, has made Google a great effort and re-designed Android fully in its last edition and we hope that you do not companies add their windows or to be additions simple to say the least but to be dispensed interfaces Ice Cream Sandwich beautiful and attractive fully it unless we wish. Watch the video and tell us, what do you think? Do you prefer TouchWiz 4.0 (or in the case of Sense HTC) interfaces or original?


Samsung announced yesterday that the year 2011 is the best year since it began the manufacture and sale of mobile phones, it said it had sold this year (until the end of last month) more than 300 million mobile and this is more of twenty million units sales for the year 2010. This figure does not include phones Android, but also Samsung phones running Bada own, but the recognition of Samsung itself, Android played a key role in the success of the company in the last two years and in particular each of the two Galaxy S and Galaxy S II, who have achieved tremendous success so that some users of non-insiders know (Galxa) and do not know Android and some believe they are one thing!

The Samsung is not the only company beholden to Android, Vondroad had saved Motorola from the financial crisis was ridden by the issuance of your Droid and contributed to the proliferation of devices HTC dramatically and to make Sony change its strategy and abandon the production of regular telephones and specializes smartphone Android exclusively.

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