FTC Won’t Make Decision in Google Antitrust Case Until Next Year


The Federal Trade Commission will not make a decision in its
antitrust investigation into Google this year, according to multiple

Both Bloomberg and The New York Times report hearing from sources that the government agency will push back its decision until sometime in 2013 — with the Times
saying it will happen in early-mid January — despite having repeatedly
stated their intention to complete the investigation by the end of this

The FTC has spent the better part of two years investigating whether
Google has unfairly used its dominance in search to give preference to
some of its other services over those of competitors.

Earlier this week, Google was rumored to be drafting a letter that
would include concessions to end the investigation without having to go
through a lawsuit or settlement. The delay suggests that the two sides
were farther apart on an agreement than previously reported.

The European Union’s antitrust investigation into Google, which is
looking into similar complaints of unfair preference for Google services
in its search engine, will also extend into 2013. The EU’s competition
commissioner said in a statement that Google will present a “detailed
commitment” to resolve the issue in January, which will then need to be
tested online before an agreement is finalized.

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iPad 3 to Have High-Def Screen, LTE Compatibility

Another day, another rumor about the iPad 3.

On Friday, Bloomberg reported that the next-generation iPad will feature a high-definition screen and be compatible with long-term evolution (LTE), a wireless network that gives users access to data more quickly. It will also allow users to move from app to app more quickly, as it will be running on a quad-core chip, according to the report.

More than three sources confirmed the news, Bloomberg tweeted.

The report says that Apple’s manufacturing partners have increased production in Asia and will ramp up production even further in February. Production in Chinese factories is currently running on a 24-hour schedule.

The next-generation iPad will also be compatible with LTE networks. The move is part of a larger trend among smartphone companies that are rolling out devices to the faster wireless network.

For a look at other iPad 3 rumors, check out the gallery below.

1. Minor Upgrades

iLounge recently reported that it saw a prototype of the next-generation iPad at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and that it looks just like the iPad 2, only thicker by about 1 mm. The camera in the top left corner is expected to be a bit larger than the iPad 2 and similar to the improved camera featured on the iPhone 4S.

It’s also been rumored that the next-generation iPad will have a high-resolution screen – possibly even double dpi — and a stronger interior. However, the updates seen by iLounge seem to be more cosmetic than structural. Could the next-generation device be an upgrade similar to that of the iPhone 4 to the iPhone 4S?

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