5 Color Case Alternatives to Waiting for a White iPhone 4

Today, Apple announced further delays to the white iPhone 4 release, dashing the dreams of would-be white iPhone 4 owners everywhere. Never fear, thanks to the power of silicon and plastic, you can add some color to your black iPhone and get some antennagate protection at the same time.
While some industrious modders have taken the DIY approach, we figure most individuals will feel much more comfortable putting a case on their new devices. While none of these solutions offer a full 100% white iPhone 4 effect, you can get pretty close.

Check out the gallery below to preview our picks of slim-fitting iPhone 4 color cases.

SwitchEasy has a solution for the iPhone 4 owner who wants to add some color to their protective options. You have your choice of 9 different colors and the case covers the back, the sides and the home button of the iPhone 4. You even get a set of connector covers for the headphone jack and the dock connector.
The home button has been given a special “Jelly Bean” tactile feel that is supposed to make it more responsive than other covered case solutions.
Price: $14.99

For iPhone 4 owners that want a case that is as thin as possible, but still want some protection and a little bit of colored fair, check out the NUDE from SwitchEasy. Available in eight different colors, the case covers the sides and the back of the device.
Plus SwitchEasy provides two screen guards, a microfiber cloth and two sets of covers for the headphone jack and dock connector. I recently ordered a black NUDE case for my iPhone 4 and I love it.
Price: $19.99
The Belkin Grip Vue is a slim cover for your iPhone 4 that also offers protection. You can get it in clear, black pearl or royal purple. The material is flexible and durable and designed, as the name implies, to help you easily grip your device.
Price: $24.00
The Belkin Shield Eclipse is an interesting case because it’s clear and hard on the top, but softer to the touch and durable at the bottom. That makes it easy to hold but also resistant to bumps and scratches.
Belkin offers the case in four colors, including blue, purple, black and white.
Price: $29.99
The Hard Candy Candy Slider is designed to offer protection for the sides and back of your device that is easy to slide on and slide off.
Available in five different colors, the soft-touch plastic adds a bit of color and some protection to your iPhone 4.
Price: $34.95

Windows Phone’s Cortana Can Now Help You Gamble And Make Choices

Cortana is a really helpful little partner for the individuals who decide to exploit her abilities in Windows Telephone 8. 

However now the virtual individual collaborator can help you settle on extreme decisions notwithstanding setting calls and helping you to remember critical commemorations. 

A redesign to Cortana on Microsoft’s side has conceded the AI the capacity to flip a coin or move a bite the dust with a straightforward summon (“move the shakers,” “flip a coin”), two arbitrary demonstrations that can be perpetually helpful. 


Actually, perhaps not unendingly helpful – yet its decent to see Microsoft including little peculiarities that bail tissue out Cortana’s identity. 

Techradar judged that Cortana stole the show in the most recent Windows Telephone redesigns, however strangely she was absent from Microsoft’s late Windows 10 advertisement. 

In all actuality, that wasn’t the most interesting thing about that declaration, however regardless we’re wanting to see her get included in the following Microsoft OS before it dispatches one year from now.

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Apologizes Again, Apple Pushes iOS 8.0.2 After 8.0.1 Blunder

A week in the wake of pushing ios 8 to iphone clients, Apple discharged its first redesign – ios 8.0.1. Immediately,complaints overflowed Twitter and the blogosphere, with individuals reporting that the upgrade crippled Touch ID and kept them from having the capacity to join with cell systems. 
Evidently just iphone 6 and 6 Plus clients were contrarily influenced by the upgrade, and as indicated by Apple, short of what 40,000 of them encountered the issues (however that still would appear to be many individuals to me). .http://haythamfox.hubpages.com/hub/Apologizes-Again-Apple-Pushes-IOS-802-After-801
stitch accomplished the issues (however that still would appear to be quite a few people to me). 

Apple has discharged an alternate redesign – ios 8.0.2 – to settle the issues, and has apologized (which 
is by all accounts a typical topic with new ios/iphone discharges lately). Techcrunch offers this announcement from the organization: 

ios 8.0.2 is currently accessible for clients, it alters an issue that influenced iphone 6 and iphone 6 Plus clients who downloaded ios 8.0.1, and incorporates changes and bug settles initially in ios 8.0.1. We apologize for troubling the iphone 6 and iphone 6 Plus clients who were affected by the bug in ios 8.0.1. 
Apple has additionally been getting destroyed from the media about the iphone 6 Plus curving in 
individuals’ pockets. The organization tended to that as well (by means of Macrumors):

Our iphones are planned, built and fabricated to be both wonderful and strong. iphone 6 and iphone 6 Plus peculiarity an accuracy built unibody walled in area developed from machining a custom evaluation of 6000 arrangement anodized aluminum, which is tempered for additional quality. They additionally offer stainless steel and titanium additions to strengthen high push areas and utilize the strongest glass within the cell phone industry. We picked these top notch materials and development painstakingly for their quality and sturdiness. We additionally perform thorough tests all through the whole advancement cycle including 3-point curving, weight point cycling, sit, torsion, and client studies. iphone 6 and iphone 6 Plus meet or surpass the greater part of our great guidelines to persist through ordinary, genuine utilization. 

With typical utilize a curve as a part of iphone is greatly uncommon and through our initial six days of offer, an aggregate of nine clients have reached Apple with a bowed iphone 6 Plus. Likewise with any Apple item, in the event that you have inquiries please contact Apple. 

Samsung has even gone so far as to benefit from “bendgate” for its ads, which thusly were ridiculed on 

keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the high Tech RoadShow inventions of today.Enhanced by Zemanta

Project Cider, broker Digital to run IOS apps on Android

Press reports revealed the intention of the Apple phone support for iPhone 6 next technology “NFC” NFC, a technology that was absent from earlier versions of the phone.

The site said that the system specified Brightwire will give a set of attributes and new gimmicks of the telephone, for example, the capacity to utilize computerized cash Khafezh substitute for shrewd Mastercards.

NFC additionally gives uniting a few embellishments that work Mtlasq with the telephone, for example, socks brilliant.
It is important that a portion of the data spilled from inside Apple showed prior that the organization will dispatch another telephone in the month of August, while the models will be propelled with screens bigger than the  telephone itself by next September.

Apple iPhone6

 Specialists designed in an undertaking called Project Cider, digitally approach permits the establishment of another working framework ios applications on Android gadgets. 
The Web website Electrony that the new extend focused around the thought of ​​converting recipes BB code to applications running ios consequently to fit the nature’s turf. 
It is huge that the thought of ​​middleware applications are generally old, where there are numerous projects that permit projects to run applications and working framework environment in an alternate framework, yet the first run through for Android.

The new Apple business has drawn a ton of flack for its harsh depiction of collaboration in the middle of individuals and its items. For a contorted minute, the center has moved from the human experience to the device experience. The distinction of feelings is frightening and disturbing! Close on heels is the news that another iphone may be out in September, so till that time how about we assimilate this new tackle the Apple iphone 6 

Idea iphone6, transforming into ipad Mini 
Fashioner Pritesh Chavan introduced a fascinating idea iphone 6 as a transformer, a slight development takes the manifestation of a tablet. As the creator himself says, another adaptation of the cell phone is the same leap forward, what was before a first iphone. 
The reduced type of the gadget has a 4.2-inch screen size, and in the unfolded – show promptly expanded to 5.8 “or 7.5”, which relies on upon the quantity of open areas. Important to utilize the telephone tablet initiated ios working framework 7.

Battery and external shell of the gadget utilized graphene, which permits to diminish as far as possible iphone 6.The smaller type of the gadget has a 4.2-inch screen size, and in the unfolded – show instantly expanded to 5.8 “or 7.5”, which relies on upon the quantity of open areas. Important to utilize the telephone tablet enacted ios working framework 7. 
Battery and external shell of the gadget utilized graphene, which permits to lessen as far as possible iphone 6.
 Better approach to swiched on this iphone is keen enough to comprehend that you are utilizing it. it naturally switches on when you flip its left screen.and off base it is having a committed switch on catch on top as well. 

keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the high Tech RoadShow inventions of today.Enhanced by Zemanta

What Do iOS 8 And The New iPhones Mean For You?

Well, Apple’s new operating system (iOS 8) and iPhones (6 and 6 Plus) are officially out. What does the OS update mean for you? Should you get one of the new phones? We’ll try to help you answer those questions throughout the course of this article.

What do you think of the new devices? The new OS? .

First things first. Here’s what iOS 8 looks like.
Just kidding. If you don’t want to, you don’t even have to keep the new U2 album in your iTunes library
If you found it, and were less than thrilled, just know that was Apple and the band being “punk rock” and “disruptive”.

Okay, let’s move along. iOS 8

Apple calls the new version the biggest iOS release ever. It features major updates to apps like Messages and Photos, new content sharing capabilities, and new connections between apps and devices.
“Quickly find and edit the photos you take,” Apple says of the release. “Add your voice right in a text message. Let your health and fitness apps communicate with each other, with your trainer, and even with your doctor. We’ve also provided developers with deeper access and more tools. You’ll have new keyboard options and even more ways to share your content. And you’ll be able to use iCloud and Touch ID in ways you never have before.”
The new Photos app has new search features and smart albums that take care of your photo organization, makes your shots look better, and has new editing tools.

Messages lets you tap to record and send voice or video message. You can also share your location easily.

The iOS 8 interface gives you a new way to respond to notifications as well as shortcuts for those you talk to most. There are also new Mail management features.

The virtual keyboard adds contextual word suggestions as you type, even recognizing who you’re typing to and whether you’re in Mail or Messages.

There’s a Family Sharing feature that lets up to six people in your household share each other’s purchases from iTunes, iBooks, and the App Store. It lets families keep up with each other’s photos, calendars, and locations, as well.

iCloud Drive lets you work on any file from any device, and the OS connects with Macs in a deeper way than was previously possible. You can start an email on one device, for example, and continue it on another. You can even answer phone calls from your iPhone on your Mac or iPad, and send SMS messages from any of these devices.

Also included is an activity tracker, heart rate monitor, and other health and fitness apps that communicate with each other.

For developers, the iOS 8 SDK has over 4,000 new APIs, and includes new sharing options, widgets, custom actions and document APIs.
iOS 8 became available on Wednesday, and is available for iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPod touch 5th generation, iPad 2, iPad with Retina display, iPad Air, iPad mini, and iPad mini with Retina display.
iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus became available on Friday, but even before that, the the reviews from the tech blogs were overwhelmingly positive.

The iPhone 6 is a “thin, sexy phone with a killer camera,” says noted tech journalist David Pogue.
The device is “the best smartphone you can buy,” according to Walt Mossberg at Re/code.
“The iPhone 6 is a great upgrade for current iPhone owners, or for anyone, really. It manages to provide a much larger display in a phone that’s still small enough to handle easily,’ he writes.
The sentiments are echoed throughout the…echo chamber. Most have just about the same amount of praise for the iPhone 6 Plus, but some do find it to be just too big.
John Gruber, who is perhaps the most well-known blogger of all things Apple, says, “If you simply want a bigger iPhone, get the 4.7-inch iPhone 6. That’s what it feels like: a bigger iPhone. If you want something bigger than an iPhone, get the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus. It feels more like a new device — a hybrid device class that is bigger than an iPhone but smaller than an iPad Mini — than it feels like a bigger iPhone.”
He adds, “If you don’t want a bigger iPhone — and in recent weeks I’ve heard from numerous readers who still pine for the 3.5-inch display iPhones — you might be disappointed by this year’s iPhone lineup, and should consider sticking with the iPhone 5-class models.”
Read Gruber’s take for probably the most comprehensive review of the devices out there so far.
But all of that was from the media. What do average people think about the devices? Well, here’s a real-time feed of the iPhone conversation on Twitter, so see for yourself:
In light of recent celebrity photo leaks, the security of Apple devices has come into question, which is probably why Tim Cook wrote a letter for the company’s website addressing security and privacy concerns. Here are a couple of excerpts from that:
Security and privacy are fundamental to the design of all our hardware, software, and services, including iCloud and new services like Apple Pay. And we continue to make improvements. Two-step verification, which we encourage all our customers to use, in addition to protecting your Apple ID account information, now also protects all of the data you store and keep up to date with iCloud.
We believe in telling you up front exactly what’s going to happen to your personal information and asking for your permission before you share it with us. And if you change your mind later, we make it easy to stop sharing with us. Every Apple product is designed around those principles. When we do ask to use your data, it’s to provide you with a better user experience.
Our business model is very straightforward: We sell great products. We don’t build a profile based on your email content or web browsing habits to sell to advertisers. We don’t “monetize” the information you store on your iPhone or in iCloud. And we don’t read your email or your messages to get information to market to you. Our software and services are designed to make our devices better. Plain and simple.
One very small part of our business does serve advertisers, and that’s iAd. We built an advertising network because some app developers depend on that business model, and we want to support them as well as a free iTunes Radio service. iAd sticks to the same privacy policy that applies to every other Apple product. It doesn’t get data from Health and HomeKit, Maps, Siri, iMessage, your call history, or any iCloud service like Contacts or Mail, and you can always just opt out altogether.
Cook also makes it a point to note that Apple has never worked with a government agency from any country to create a backdoor in any of its products or services, and has never allowed access to services (and “never will”).
The NFC feature of the new iPhone models only support Apple Pay, which is the company’s new payment mechanism for users to pay for good and services in the physical world (as well as online). Still, the company already has 220,000 retail locations on board for that.
In case you’re wondering how the phones stack up against their Android counterparts, here’s a comparison with the Samsung Galaxy S5.
Oh, and don’t forget, if you get an iPhone, you’ll be able to use that Apple Watch when it comes out.
keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the high Tech RoadShow inventions of today.Enhanced by Zemanta

Find out about new specifications for "iPhone 6" and the battery life is the element of surprise!

The association hopes to “Apple” smart phone give the normal “iphone 6″ higher farthest point battery took a gander at Bhattvha current “iphone 5 sustenance,” according to the trade Chinese master on the webpage “Weibo” Weibo, which is the Chinese variation of the micro-blogging page “Twitter.” 

iphone 5
iphone 5
Tune said Chang Shu, refering to sources supplied for “Apple,” The model that will come screen measuring 4.7 inches from the phone “iphone 6” will outfit a battery with a farthest point of 2,100 mom/ h, and this limit addresses an addition of 45.8 percent appeared differently in relation to the phone “iphone 5 S.” battery, which goes hand in hand with an utmost of 1,440 milliampere/ hour. 

The pictures were discharged a month back has showed that the phone “iphone 6” will outfit a battery with a breaking point of 1,810 mom/ hour, yet according to Tune, these smaller cutoff battery was for test purposes in the midst of the change stage to the last thing. 

Sung said that the last framework of the model 4.7 inches from the phone “iphone 6” typical to go with a battery greater than the past discharges appeared in, where the battery will give a cutoff of 2,100 mom/ hour. 

As far as possible is a champion among the most notable issues smartphones at present where the battery is lacking to work for very much a while, which is working with associations to upgrade each new manifestation of their things. 

This has since quite a while prior loathed the association “Samsung” which is the best rivals, “Apple” in their advancements from a nonappearance of farthest point batteries phones “iphone” and reason persevering to its customers, which is shown in the smart phone “Framework S 5” battery with an utmost of 2,800 mother/ hour. 

Furthermore remember the news that the association “Apple” plans to reveal a phone “iphone 6” in the ninth month of September/ September, where the association is obliged to hold a media event to do so. 

stay mindful of the most exceptional advancements and think about how these will be used as a part without limits. On this online diary I’ll grant my insights about the possible destiny of technology, considering the bleeding edge Roadshow developments of today. 

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Get a few answers concerning new determinations for “iphone 6” and the battery life is the segment of stun! 

The 5.5-inch iphone 6 will have a 2,915mah battery, however don’t expect better battery life 

New Feature Again Demonstrates 5.5-Inch iphone 6 Battery With 2,915 mah Limit.

keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the high Tech RoadShow inventions of today.

Samsung would be releasing the Galaxy S5 in February 2014

A few weeks ago, Samsung announced the Galaxy Note 3. Several months before that, the Samsung Galaxy S4. The year before that, there was the Galaxy Note 2 and the Galaxy S3. With a familiar pattern expected in 2014, many consumers already have their eyes peeled for Samsung Galaxy S5 rumors and fortunately, there have been several that have emerged in recent weeks.
Galaxy S5

Samsung, like Apple, has fallen into a predictable pattern as far as flagship launches are concerned. Like Apple, Samsung has stuck to a year cycle for its big name devices with Galaxy S and Galaxy Note series getting updated year after year. Last year, Samsung saw great success with its dual flagship approach when the Galaxy S3 and the Galaxy Note 2 not only dominated the Android smartphone world but the entire smartphone world. Only Apple’s iPhone could match the might of Samsung’s flagships.

So it came as no surprise this year that the company had two more Galaxy S and Galaxy Note models up its sleeve. Early in the year, it was the Galaxy S4 that dominated consumer attention. Later in the year, it was the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 that captivated buyers with its rumors and ultimately, its launch. And while those two devices will dominate the landscape for the rest of the year, there are already signs of next year’s arrivals.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 remains firmly in the shadows but it’s the Samsung Galaxy S5 that has crept out from the darkness and into the light. Over the past month or so, we’ve seen a number of Galaxy S5 rumors emerge, some credible some flimsy, starting the canvas that will at one point next year become complete.

With the Galaxy S5 launch a few months away at least, we want to dig in early and offer prospective buyers a look at what we’ve seen and heard about the upcoming successor to the Galaxy S4.
//www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/h_B7Pmt8WGEFor most people, the most important bits of information are a device’s launch date, meaning its announcement date, and its release date, the day that it comes out onto shelves. Unsurprisingly, we’ve seen Galaxy S5 rumors already point to some possibilities when it comes to a launch date and a release date.

An early rumor from ETNews suggested that the Samsung Galaxy S5 would arrive in March, the same month as the Samsung Galaxy S4. In the year previous, the Galaxy S3 arrived in early May and was released later in the month. So, the Galaxy S4 launch was seen as early for the Galaxy S series. It also gave Samsung a significant jump on the iPhone 5s which launched last month and put a ton of space between it and the Galaxy Note 3 launch in early September.

History, and the initial whispers about a March launch date, were thrown into flux thanks to a report from Korean news site Naver which claims that Samsung is considering speeding up the Samsung Galaxy S launch and could potentially be hosting an event in January, the same month as the annual CES conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Samsung, in the past, has skipped trade shows for its smartphone launches so even if it does launch in January, there’s a chance that it won’t happen in Las Vegas. Samsung however is known to launch devices in close proximity to major events, IFA 2013 and the Galaxy Note 3 being an example of this, so it’s possible that we could see Sin City emerge as a possible launch city.

At this point, we wouldn’t put too much stock into any of this. The Samsung Galaxy S4 went through a similar routine with its launch date. MWC 2013 was mentioned as a candidate early in the Galaxy S4 rumor process and that didn’t pan out. Still, with Apple rumored to be debuting a big time iPhone 6 with a larger display, and Galaxy S4 sales said to be waning, Samsung might have motivation to get a new flagship out earlier than expected.
Release Date

The same report also suggested that Samsung would be releasing the Galaxy S5 in February, a month after its announcement. Again, this makes a lot of sense, if the launch date happens to be in January. Typically, Samsung pushes its devices out about a month after launch so it could be that it does the same with the Galaxy S5.
With Mobile World Congress set for February in Barcelona, it could be that the company debuts the device in the United States in January and shows the device off again, in Europe, in February, close to its release. Or not. Again, these rumors should be taken with an immense grain of salt as plans can certainly change between now and launch.

If the Galaxy S5 were to launch in March, we would expect it to arrive in April. So at the very least, a Galaxy S5 release is likely within the first two quarters of the year as Samsung looks to compete with a possible iPhone launch in the middle of next year.

Samsung fans and average consumers have, for years, been clamoring for Samsung to release a premium design for its flagship smartphone. While many consumers prefer the plastic because of the microSD card slot for expanded storage and removable back for use with an extended battery, others have been campaigning for a design that can rival HTC and Apple.

Earlier this year, Samsung defended the Galaxy S4′s plastic design saying that it afforded consumers those benefits and that it allowed the company to avoid any supply issues because it could get plastic devices off of the supply lines faster. The Galaxy S4 did not experience any significant supply issues while the metal HTC One and iPhone 5s saw their fair share of problems at launch.

And yet, it appears that Samsung is listening. The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 debuted with a new design using a faux leather plastic material, different from the Galaxy S4′s. And there also have been a smattering of rumors about a metal Galaxy S5 design that will usher in a new era at Samsung.

All the way back in June, Android Geeks suggested that the Galaxy S5 could utilize a new design standard from Samsung. The report suggested an aluminum build though it had little else to offer. Things have perked up though as an ETNews report asserts that Samsung is building a new line in its Gumi plant in Korea which will be capable of producing smartphone casings in magnesium or aluminum. This was followed by a report from Taipei Times that states that Samsung was in talks with Catcher Technology Company to deliver a metal case for a premium Galaxy smartphone for 2014. Catcher Technology Company supplies metal frames to Apple for its MacBook Air line.

Samsung has been known to toss around design prototypes, just like any company developing a big product, so it’s possible that it does have a metal Galaxy S5 in development. But rumors and prototypes don’t guarantee anything and at this point, we aren’t sold on the Galaxy S5 sporting a metal design. But it appears that next year has as good of a chance as any.

There is also chatter about a dust and water resistant Galaxy S5, something that wouldn’t be surprising given that the company unleashed a Galaxy S4 Active with those same properties earlier this year.

The size of the Samsung Galaxy S display continues to grow with the Samsung Galaxy S4 sporting the biggest size and best resolution yet in the form of a 5-inch Super AMOLED panel that offers 1080p resolution and a high pixel-per-inch count. We haven’t heard anything about the Galaxy S5 display just yet but we have seen something interesting emerge out of Korea in recent days.

That something interesting is the Samsung Galaxy Round, a device that is considered a prototype, and one that is utilizing Samsung’s Youm flexible display technology that it showed off back at CES 2013. The screen is unbreakable and sports a curve on the y-axis making it different from the curves seen with older curved screens.

The Galaxy Round is seen as somewhat of a test device for Samsung’s technology and thus, it could pave the way for future devices, like, the Samsung Galaxy S5. We haven’t seen anything tie the Galaxy S5 to Samsung Youm, but we wouldn’t be surprised if Samsung gets it on board its next device considering that it reportedly almost use the technology for the Galaxy Note 3.

As for the rest of the device’s specifications, we’ve heard a number of different things. First, rumors have been swirling about the device’s camera. Korea’s Electronic Times News reported back in August that the Galaxy S5 would be coming with a new 16MP sensor with Optical Image Stabilization technology on board.

This conflicts with two other sensors that could potentially come inside the Galaxy S5. The first, an 8MP camera with in-house ISOCELL technology that could help cameras on Samsung smartphones capture more light and retain increased sharpness. Samsung says that mass production will start in the fourth quarter, a time frame just ahead of the rumored Galaxy S5 launch.

The Galaxy S4 is a prime example of Samsung’s release approach.

Samsung also recently announced a new 13MP sensor that could potentially come with the Galaxy S5 and bring even better photos taken in low-light environments. This sensor is evidently planned to go into production in the early part of 2014 which also lines up with a possible Galaxy S5 launch.

Whatever the case, it looks like the Galaxy S5 will be outfitted with an upgraded camera sensor rather than retain the Galaxy S4′s 13MP sensor that replaced the previous 8MP camera.

Rumors have also been flying around about the device’s processor. Originally, the device was thought to be coming with a 64-bit Exynos 5430 processor but the latest rumors out of Korean publication DDaily suggest that the device could deliver a chip that is part of the company’s new Exynos 6 series of chips. At this point, it’s clear that it will be a 64-bit processor and powerful.

Other Galaxy S5 spec rumors include whispers about the device potentially missing out on a fingerprint reader and improved wireless charging that will increase the range so that users can charge the phone without mounting it on the charger itself. Neither has been ruled out just yet.

No word yet on the Samsung Galaxy S5 software but we have a pretty good idea about what consumers can expect. Samsung usually puts the latest software on board its devices which means that the Android 4.4 KitKat update that is set to arrive later on this year is a prime candidate for the Galaxy S5′s Android software.

The Samsung Galaxy S5 will reportedly skip a fingerprint sensor.
One crazy rumor out of AndroidSas claims that the device, which again is rumored to be skipping a fingerprint sensor, could use eye scanning technology for added security. The report doesn’t have any information about the actual technology which makes it very flimsy at this point. While we’re skeptical, there is technology out there that, in theory, could be baked into Samsung’s Galaxy S5 to offer something similar. Whether or not it provides a secure experience remains to be seen and this point, a fingerprint reader seems more likely.
We haven’t heard anything about possible Samsung Galaxy S5 carriers just yet and we don’t expect to hear anything until much later in the process. Last year, carrier information emerged during CES 2013 when the device was reportedly in Las Vegas being shopped to AT&T executives. Like there was any doubt that the Galaxy S4, one of the most anticipated devices of the year, wouldn’t be headed to AT&T.

At this point, consumers can feel confident that the Samsung Galaxy S5 will follow in the footsteps of its predecessors and emerge on a number of carriers in the United States. After all, Apple’s iPhone 5s finally caught up to the Galaxy S series with a launch on the four largest carriers in the United States including AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon will be heading to U.S. Cellular at some point in the future.

Apple’s iPhone 5s: 64-bit A7 chip, with Touch ID fingerprint sensor

If you were hoping Apple would break from tradition with its latest iPhone, well, today wasn’t your lucky day. As expected, the company stuck with its “S-phone every other year” pattern, and pulled back the curtain on the iPhone 5s. Like previous S-series entries, the iPhone 5s looks almost exactly like its predecessor, only with a few upgrades thrown in. Here the big star of the show is the long-anticipated biometric fingerprint sensor, which Apple branded as Touch ID.
Touch ID

Touch ID lets you use your fingerprint to unlock your iPhone 5s. Layered into the home button (which is now covered in sapphire, with a stainless steel ring around it), you just press your thumb there briefly, and your phone will lower its virtual drawbridge and let you in. Anyone without your fingerprint will be out of luck. It’s a very nice blend of security and convenience.

You can also use Touch ID to make iTunes purchases (no other payments appear to be supported yet).
Performance, camera, gold

Touch ID may be the iPhone 5s’ marquee attraction, but it isn’t the only upgrade. The new iPhone also gets a speed boost, courtesy of Apple’s new A7 system-on-a-chip. It’s still dual core, but is now 64-bit, the first of its kind in a smartphone. iOS 7 has also been updated to run both 32-bit and 64-bit apps. According to Apple, the A7’s processor and graphics are both twice as fast as those on the iPhone 5. Epic Games demoed Infinity Blade 3(apparently the last of the trilogy) to help show off the new chip’s graphics.

Apple also added a separate chip dedicated to motion-tracking sensors, called the M7. The company says the new chip will measure whether you’re exercising, walking, or driving. It will supposedly open the doors to a new generation of fitness apps. Third-party apps will be able to access the M7’s sensor data.

The iPhone 5s also has a superior camera to last year’s model. It’s still 8 megapixels, but – like the HTC One – those pixels are now bigger. “Bigger pixels make better pictures,” said Apple’s Phil Schiller. The camera also adds auto white balance and auto exposure levels, and has a new flash that Apple dubs “True Tone,” which aims to balance color tones. The 5s’ camera picks up some digital image stabilization too.

The camera also now uses burst mode to take a series of shots, and iOS automatically chooses the sharpest one to use. It also records video in slow-motion, at 120 frames per second.

Apple didn’t ignore the cosmetic either. Though the 5s looks mostly like the iPhone 5, it’s also available in a couple of new colors. A well-leaked gold iPhone 5s joins the familiar white model. It also looks like “Space gray” is a new variation on last year’s “black and slate” in the iPhone lineup.
Release date, pricing

Some companies like to unveil new products in dramatic fashion, only to leave pricing and release date hanging in the air, to be determined at a later date. Not Apple. The iPhone 5s releases on September 20. As of now, it doesn’t look like there will be pre-orders available ahead of time. It will be priced at US$200 (for the 16 GB model), with a new two-year contract.

Source: Applekeep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the high Tech RoadShow inventions of today. Enhanced by Zemanta

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iPhone 5C vs iPhone 5: Video Compares New iPhone

A new Apple iPhone 5C video has leaked out ahead of its rumored launch, showing off what Apple’s cheap iPhone may look like next to the company’s aluminum iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S.
Apple is heavily rumored to be coming out with not one, but two new iPhones later on this year. The company is all but confirmed to be hosting an iPhone launch event on September 10th where it is expected that it will show off the heavily rumored iPhone 5S, a device that features several upgrades but shares a design with the iPhone 5.
The company is also rumored to be introducing an iPhone 5C, a cheap plastic iPhone 5S alternative that will come with a different design, cheap price, 4-inch Retina Display and Lightning port. Both devices have seemingly been leaking for the camera as of late and the latest shows an iPhone 5C yellow back plate compared to the aluminum back of the iPhone 5.

Sonny Dickson shared today a video depicting what appears to be a back plate for the iPhone 5C. He leaked a ton of iPhone 5C back plate photos just a few short days ago as well. The video shows the device in clear detail, giving prospective consumers a glimpse at what the new iPhone 5C might look like if and when it arrives.
The iPhone 5 next to the rumored iPhone 5C.

The iPhone 5 next to the rumored iPhone 5C.
It’s unclear as to where the iPhone 5C will land though rumors suggest that it could replace the iPhone 4S, Apple’s iPhone model from 2011. Rumors also suggest that it could ditch Siri, the personal assistant arrived with the iPhone 4S.
The iPhone 5C appears to be thin as well.
The iPhone 5C appears to be thin as well.
It’s possible that consumers will hear all of the details on September 10th, a date that has been pegged for an iPhone launch. Apple has yet to send out invites to the media but sources agree that that will be the date that Apple spills the beans on the iPhone 5S and quite possibly, the iPhone 5S as well.
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LG Display iPad mini Retina to Challenge With 8-Inch G Pad Slate

Apple partner LG may soon challenge the company’s rumored iPad mini with Retina Display that is widely believed to be coming this fall with its own 8.3-inch G Pad tablet featuring a high resolution display and quad-core graphics. Choosing to go with an 8-inch tablet model may alow LG to command more premium pricing as there is now a downward pricing trend for 7-inch slates thanks to more affordable $199 models from Amazon and the recently unveiled $229 Nexus 7 from Google. The 8-inch market is largely occupied recently by Apple’s iPad mini, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0, and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.0.

A report on Greek blog TechBlog suggests that the 8.3-inch LG G Pad will have the same 1920 X 1200-pixel resolution display as the Asus-made Google Nexus 7 tablet. The device will also feature the same slim side bezels as the Nexus 7, Galaxy Tab 8.0, and the iPad mini.

The backside of the tablet is said to be made of aluminum to give the slate a premium feel, something that is embodied by Apple but is missing on recent tablets introduced from Google and Samsung.

Additionally a quad-core processor and 2 GB of RAM are said to be on tap for the G Pad, which could debut as early as next month at the Berlin-based IFA show.

As shown, LG’s Optimus Pad LTE

One of the key features with the larger 8-inch display is that it’s still portable. According to Phone Arena, the tablet’s portability is highlighted by the fact that it is still thin and slim enough to fit into the back pocket of pants.

And lastly, while the 8-inch form factor may scream tablet, the device may still think it’s a phone. Though not quite a phone, the tablet does allow users to make voice calls, though likely the voice calling feature may be stripped from the device if the G Pad arrives in the U.S. Various tablets have offered this ability in the past, but U.S. carriers have not supported voice calling on a tablet when these slates arrive in the States with 3G or 4G capabilities.

LG’s most recent tablet introduction was nearly two years ago with the LG Optimus Pad. Most recently, company executives have hinted that the company would be returning to the tablet market before the year is over, giving an IFA introduction some credibility.

.keep up with the newest technologies and contemplate about how these will be used in the future. On this

blog I’ll share my thoughts about the future of technology, based on the high Tech RoadShow inventions of today. Enhanced by Zemanta

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